Speakers to match with a 100w head | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Speakers to match with a 100w head

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08/08/2012 2:19pm

Guitars: Gibson Les Paul, Epi SG, Fender Strat

Head: Marshall JCM 900 MkIII 100w

Cabs: Marshall 1960a w/ Celestion G12T-75

         Avatar 2x12 w/ Celestion Vintage 30

Style: Mostly powerchord rhythm punk and hard rock and some basic lead stuff. No shredding or death metal chugga-chugga. Surfy cleans are also an occasional tone choice. Think Ramones, Misfits, Motorhead style stuff.


Hello, I'm looking to add some flavor to one of these two cabs. These are mainly recording rigs. I don't gig as a guitarist so live use isn't a concern. Both cabs sound fine on their own, although I'm not super crazy about the Vintage 30's in the 2x12. Their voicing just doen't get me too excited. The G12T-75's are better to me, but they're a little hissy/spiky in the upper mids and the low end is a little fat. I'd like a more "vintage" kind of sound, like a Greenback, but something that can handle the power of a 100w tube head.

Since this is mainly a recording setup, I'd like to keep the V30's and G12T-75s for options. But my 4x12 is a stereo cab, so I'm thinking maybe I could replace two of the G12T-75's with something else and just treat the cab as two 2x12's. G12T-75's on one side, whatever else on the other. So I need two speakers with Greenback-like breakup and voicing, but with enough power handling to stand up to 100 watts of amp.

The Invader 50 caught my eye. Do you think these would be a good option for half of the 4x12? How do they tonally  compare to Greenbacks? What other choices could you recommend?



08/10/2012 10:59am

The 1960 cab has been discussed a lot here ... use the search box and enjoy!  A good recent one: http://wgs4.com/marshall-1960a-cab

Concerning the 2x12, I've done a BUNCH (!!!) of 2x12 pairing demos, again, the search box is your friend, but here are some favs:

Adding an ET65 is almost always nice: http://wgs4.com/et-65-plays-very-well-others

With the new(ish) Invader & Liberator: http://wgs4.com/everybody-say-woo-hoo-liberator-and-invader-demos-your-comments-requested

And, my original blog on 12" combinations from over a year back: http://wgs4.com/love-box-two-great-tastes-taste-great-together-mixing-speakers

Now, you have some research to do!  Your assignment: Please post back here with your decision ... and ultimately, the results!  Thankya :-)

08/10/2012 1:05pm

Hmmmm, the ET-65 sure sounds nice in your product clips. That's through a Mesa though. Won't sound like that under a Marshall. The Reaper sounds good too.


I like a bunch of them.


Hard to decide! I'm now even more confused.