Hey there, I'm looking for a speaker change on my badcat Panther. I run a 1x12 open back cab with a Badcat Celestion in it (a slightly modified V30). I have experienced cone cry at medium to loud volumes, and I don't really run the amp that hot normally, but it has made me want to try something different.
I found the ET65 and it gets great reviews, but I was wondering if you had a different suggestion? I play in a church but we play modern/rock style music. Everything from clean, to hard rock guitar, so something versatile would be great. My amp can produce a ton of bass, and highs if needed, but it's pretty tweakable.
I appreciate your thoughts and expertise!
Yes, I think the ET65 is probably your best choice ... especially given your statement: "Everything from clean, to hard rock guitar, so something versatile would be great"