Orange Micro Terror (Tube pre-amp) 10" speaker reccomendation | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Orange Micro Terror (Tube pre-amp) 10" speaker reccomendation

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05/05/2015 7:20am

Hi all,

I picked up one of these as a demo unit and it really is pretty neat sounding.

  • Power: 20W (hybrid)
  • Tube: one 12AX7 tube preamp with solid state power amp
  • Controls: Volume, Tone and Gain
  • Single channel
  • Impedance: 4 ohm minimum

I can run it through my 2x12s and it gets pretty loud, I like it through one cab with a ET-65 and Jensen C12Q Speaker 35 Watts (Closed back) and also through my 2x12 Markley (Eminance) open back.

But one of the great things about this is the portability, so I wanted to make/buy a 1X10 cabinet and looking for suggestions.

Open back or closed back (Convertible?)

Which 10" speaker to get?

I think I want a little more clean headroom, because the gain can make it dirty pretty quickly, and I preffer tube break up over speaker break up.

Classic Rock sound,

Guitars- Strat (mojotone '54 clone set), Epi Les Paul (pro-bucker), and Thinline tele style with tapped Wide range in neck, SC on bridge.


Thanks in advance-


(Vaughn, it's my B-day, so please pick this one to answer)


05/10/2015 9:13am

picked up a weber 1x10 x-cab  it is 13x13x13 convertable open/closed.


Just need the speaker advice.



05/14/2015 2:12pm

Man ... I've ALMOST bitten on one of those several times.  I have a question for YOU ... does it have enough clean headroom to keep up with a rock band?  That's my concern.

Okay, speaker wise ... the ET-10 is the logical choice.  However, I personally might go with a G10C ... because those things sound HUGE and have tons of clean headroom ... which again, I have a feeling will be that little amps downfall!

Sorry if I've taken a while to answer your question.  I've been fighting Pneumonia the last couple of weeks!

05/14/2015 5:39pm

Thanks, I was leaning toward the G10C over the ET since I have the ETs in a cab already, While I was waiting for your reccomendation, I started going in circles over all the availablre 10s. (ordered G10c today)

To answer your question about clean headroom, I was trying to think of the best way to relate it without making a video, and showcasing my sloppy guitarwork.

I have a Deluxe reverb clone that I swapped the ET-65 into, and really like it.

I plugged the speaker into the oramge amp, and tried to get the max clean.

I then played through the vibrato input 1 and tried to get the same volume.  About 3.2 is the FDR equivilent, so it all depends how loud your drummer is.  through my 2x12s it is much louder.

Online, you will see many people demo these through the 1x8 orange cab and then a Marshall 4x12 and mainly crank the gain, so it is hard to determine where the clean line really is.

First test was done with a strat, 5.9k-6.3k alnico 3 PUs. With the Epi LP, hotter PUs, it seemed I could go louder before break up, (which seems backwards).

For $100 (used/demo) it would make a nice back up that you could use in a pinch. not sure how long you could gig at high volume. You could also probably justify it as an oversized gain pedal.

It is smaller than 3 VHS tapes, runs off a power cord that has the power brick in the middle.