'New' but 'Old' Vox Restoration | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

'New' but 'Old' Vox Restoration

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11/03/2016 2:31pm

Every once in a while, I take on a new project. I love to restore old amps and this time I'm not so much 'restoring old' as building an old replica.  I've never owned a Vox before so I've taken a Vox VT100X modeling amp and loaded it into a new, vintage Vox head cabinet. For speakers, I plan to use a Vox 4-12 cabinet but I want the speakers to provide the best combination of Early Vintage British sound but also other speakers to compliment the more modern crunch of the other Boutique Amps (Marshall, Dumble, Orange, etc) in the selection.

I planned to set the speakers up into two 2-12 patterns, one bank (Bank A) for crisp, cleaner sound and the other bank (Bank B) for the dirtier, over driven side. I've devised a way to switch between the speakers to select Bank 'A', Bank 'B' and also a third position for one speaker from eack bank, or a Bank 'AB' combination.  Each position will keep the speakers connection at the correct impedance, using only 2 speakers at a time.

Ok, I'm already sold on Warehouse Guitar Speakers but my problem is selecting the right ones. I've been so wrapped up with the technical and design aspect that I sure would appreciate some suggestions on the right speaker selection.  I figure that whatever I put in the cabinet wouldn't be disappointing. 

Thanks in advance.


11/06/2016 2:15pm

Wow!  Cool and laborious undertaking!

Sooo ... for the "crisp, cleaner sound" ... I'd say go for Retro 30's for sure.

And for "the dirtier, over driven side" ... Green Berets ... or Invaders if the GB's won't give you enough power handling for all your amps.