Mixing 10" Speakers Vet10/ET10/Retro10/G10C... with Jensen Mod 10-50 | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Mixing 10" Speakers Vet10/ET10/Retro10/G10C... with Jensen Mod 10-50

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10/26/2016 3:18pm

Hi there,

I am about modding an oversized 212 with a new baffle for 4x10! I already got enough fine 212 cabs, also 2x10, but no 4x10 yet.

I am planning to use it with my H&K Puretone (awesome amp).

At the moment I like playing the amp with a pair of Jensen Mod 10/50. First they had not been to my liking, for feeling them being overly warm. But with the very bright Puretone it seems to be a perfect fit for warm cleans and beefy rock sounds. The problem is, there are no more 10/50s with 16Ohm in germany anymore.

For being a speaker-mixing-kinda-guy, I´d try to make an advantage out of that.

The Jensens are 16Ohm and deliver about 94db (1w) each. They are warm sounding. I´d like to mix them with speakers, that won´t get too bright, because the Puretone can be piercing like a SLPlexi or even harder. I do prefer american voiced speakers over british. Seem to get better cleans, more shimmer and air. Which one should I take.

I could easily get an ET10 or a Retro10, have at least one G10C as well - but I am afraid these being too loud compared to the Jensens.

From the soundclips I thoght the Vets could be the ticket, but was also thinking about the 10" berets (though I don´t like G12Ms).

Any thoughts? Any experiences?

best regards


11/02/2016 11:37am

Okay ...

"I could easily get an ET10 or a Retro10, have at least one G10C as well - but I am afraid these being too loud compared to the Jensens"

Yes, I believe you are correct here, the ET10 or G10C would easily overpower the Jensens.

"From the soundclips I thoght the Vets could be the ticket"

Yes!  I believe they would be just the ticket ... and they are very lightweight and inexpensive ... so that's a win all the way arround :-)

Please return and post your results here!