Blackstar HT5R speaker swap with G12 c/s | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Blackstar HT5R speaker swap with G12 c/s

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09/16/2016 6:00am

Hi everybody, 

I own a Blackstar HT5R and would like to swap the speaker. Because I would like to make it sounds like a Fender amp (tweed of Hot Rod). I ever changer tube for a JJ12AU7 and it gives to my amp a creamy bluesy sound. 

I wonder if a G12c/s would fit inside ? Does somebody ever try this ? And how this speaker could change the sound of my amp ?

Does somebody ever swap the original HT5R Blackbird with a WGS G12c/s ? Or which WGS speaker should I try to make it sounds like a Fender amp ? 

Thank you for your help !


09/20/2016 4:18am

Hi Vaughn,

Could you help me with that question ? I check out your video comparison for HR and I wonder if I can consider that G12 c/s could change the sound of my HT5R for a tweedy sound ? 

Best regards from France !


09/20/2016 11:30am

Gosh ... I'm just not sure!  I've never spent any time with that amp, so I don't know how cramped it is inside.  Maybe you could provide some measurements ?

As for tone ... you certainly should get the "tweed" tone you want ... if it'll fit!

09/28/2016 2:24pm

Hi Vaughn ! 

Thank you for you repply ! I think the cab is about 40 cm (width) and 12 cm (depth). I think that it could fit inside. 

I will place my order and will give you my feedback !

09/28/2016 3:47pm

Cool, yes we would really like to hear how it works out!

10/17/2016 4:07pm

OK well G12 c/s received and put inside the HT5R ! 

First, that fits perfect inside the amp. You can put the g12 c/s inside the HT5R without problems. It's very easy to swap the origial blackbird speaker of that amp. 

Second, G12 c/s sounds great. More tight in the bottom. Smooth high and great midrange. The sound is more difined than the original Blackbird. Less agressive.

It gives the impression to move from low definition to high definition speaker ! Great woody sound. With a great definition when the volume is low. I need to put the volume higher to get a better impression of it. But I can tell I like it very much.

Maybe I'll post a quick recording of it when I will have more time to do it. 



10/21/2016 6:30pm

Awesome!  Thanks for taking the time to report back with your results :-)