As the title asks, what speakers would you recommend for tweed 210 amp...specifically a tweed Super 5E4A. I picked up a used hand wired Super (with 6V6 tubes in the 5E4A), but it is in a twe d twin 212 cabinet with one AlNiCo and one ceramic. Even though it is fairly light with the pine cab, I'd still like to downsize to the more standard 210 cab (probably Mojotone).
I've enjoyed the WGS speakers I've had in other amps/cabs, and I think they represent a great quality/price option. My question...what WGS 10" speakers would y'all recommend in this case?
Options ...
A pair of Vet 10s for the most authentic 50's tone.
A pair of G10s (C or A) for authentic tone but a lot louder and ballsier.
Make one of the above a G10C/S (smooth) for more smokey early 50's tweed tone.
I wouldn't go with two smoothies unless you want the amp very dark.
What would a Veteran 10 and Green Beret 10 in combination sound like? I have a 4x10 that I need to build out and I'd love to try something like that in a cross pattern.
What do you think a Veteran 10 and a Green Beret 10 paired up would sound like? Would love to try this in a 4x10 that I have in an X pattern...