Looking to replace the stock speaker in my new Fender Ramparte 9W 1 12" I am a Blues and classic rock kinda guy. LOL I have just installed a Retro 30 in my Fender Supersonsic 22W and also added the Retro 30 and a ET65 in my 1976 Peavey 212 Classic and I just love these speakers.
Awesome! Thanks for being a repeat customer :-)
Disclaimer: I haven't heard this amp! But ...
Since it's a single-ended 6L6 amp with no tone controls I have a VERY good idea of what it sounds like ... combined with the chatter on the web ... it's probably fairly mid-rangey, with a distinct lack of solid bottom end, and also not enough top-end chime. And so ... the Rx for you is the speaker you already know well, the Retro 30. Yea, it's power handling is over-kill ... but it should bring to the table exactly what's lacking in the amp.