Mixing Different Speaker Sizes: 3x10 +15 | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Mixing Different Speaker Sizes: 3x10 +15

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1 post / 0 new
04/23/2015 8:42am

First off: I tried to post this topic on tuesday, but apparently failed.


I have a little project in mind to build two 4x12 sized enclosures this spring. One of which would be a regular 4x12 with Vet30s or Vet30/ET65 combo (Sub note: I got two vet 30s last week, installed them last night into a 212: Holy heck. Just great. absolutely.). The second enclosure would be a 3x10 + 15. 

I have been researching the topic with mixed results. There are multiple threads on "Talkbass" that basically just say, "You are an idiot if you try this, even commercially available mixed cabs are terrible." One the one hand I don't necessarily even agree with that statement. One of my pals has a hiwatt 4x10+15, and it's pretty fantastic. The other thing is, this would be for Guitar, not bass, so it seems that you don't have to worry quite as much about the actual physics of the cab, but correct me if I'm wrong on that. 

On the other hand, there probably is a reason that you never see these things, really. But heck, it sounds fun to me.


Anyway, does anyone have any thoughts on this, or things I should be concerned about? Would matching sensitivities be enough, or will one size dominate the other?


Should I just make a 2x15 or a 4x10 and call it a day? 

