I currently have a tubemeister 18 head running into a 2x12 cab that has 2 eminence em75 (supposed to be splawns man o war) in it. Im getting closer to getting where I would like, but am curious as to what may be a good partner?
Trying to be versatile, but mostly looking for a classic(Zep to ac/dc) that might get close to a 80's (George Lynch) sound.
With the use of some eq and pedals I am getting there, but it seems to be lacking some mids. Also, with more gain it seems to get a touch fizzy on me if im not careful.
Reapers seem to get good reviews with the tubemeister.
Paired with the emi or a different combination?
Any other thoughts?
Easy answer! Try one Reaper & see if it gets you to Nirvana! If not, then add another.