G12 C in a semi open back cab with Egnater Tweaker
12/05/2014 10:48am
I wanted to maybe get some input on this speaker in a little 112 cab. It will mainly be used with an Egnater Tweaker 15 amp head but may get some use with a Marshall 50 watt Plexi for studio tones. I already have the Veteran 30 used in a Fender HRD deluxe and it KILLS but I was looking for a slightly different tonality for this Egnater. All thoughts and opinions are welcome. Thanks.
Lots of views but no replies on this thread but since I posted this, I went ahead and pulled the trigger on this speaker. I cranked it up last night and was stunned. Big, fat, musical tone. Even from a tiny 112 cab and 15 watt head, I'd match this pairing up against just about anything. Nice and warm Fender-y tone, which is just what I was looking for to pair with this amp. Hope this helps anybody looking to get a similar type of sound.
Cool ... thanks for taking the time to report your findings here! I've been super busy & your original post slipped by me.
So, the G12 has enough bottom and isn't too strident on the bottom?
This speaker sounds like the exact pairing I was hearing in my head for this amp. I have another 212 cab with Greenbacks that sounds great on the British type setting on the Tweaker but the USA (read: Fender) mode left a bit to be desired. I was wanting something big and fat but also growled nice when pushed. The G12C delivers very well in all aspects. It even seems more responsive than my other cab to slight EQ adjustments so I'm not missing any frequencies or anything and can dial out anything unpleasant (which isn't much). I've mostly been a Marshall guy for a long time but lately have been getting turned on to the Fender sounds so this speaker seemed like a good choice. I'm also looking forward to trying the ET65 at some point in the future, when I'm ready for another speaker buy.