Damaged Speaker - | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Damaged Speaker -

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Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 0 of 22 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1202 of /home/wgsusa/public_html/includes/bootstrap.inc).
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04/15/2015 11:00am

I have a WGS Veteran 30 that came in a 1x12 extension cab I bought. I recently swapped out the speaker for something that suited my amp a little better. When I took out the WGS speaker, I noticed it was a bit damaged. If I recall corectly, the guy who sold me this did say that the speaker had a pinhole in it, so I was not suprised by the damage. 

The speaker works just fine, and even sounds good (although I don't knw how it would compare to an undamaged one). I am planning on selling the speaker since I don't currently have a use for it. I am wondering what it would cost to get fixed, or perhaps what I should value it as in it's current condition.

I am not looking to make a bunch of money out of it, but rather get it in the hands of someone who would use it. 



04/17/2015 11:36am

Yes, since the dawn of electric guitar, speaker cones have been getting holes in them ... and usually small holes don't really affect the tone at all !

On any hole smaller than about 1/4", I generally put a dab of silicone speaker repair glue over the hole and call it good. (you can also use "flow-able" silicone glue from an auto parts store ... used as windshield glue)

When you go to sell the speaker, feel free to point them to this post!  I'd say it'll probably knock about ten bucks off the value.