I've got a Cyber Deluxe with the original Celestion G12T-100. I'd like to tame the shrill highs of the Fender clean sounds while retaining the chime and clarity. The best scenario would be to make all the sounds better, but the Fender cleans are priority one for me?
Would the ET90 be the speaker I should be looking at?
Man ... the ET90 would be good ... but when you say
" I'd like to tame the shrill highs of the Fender clean sounds while retaining the chime and clarity."
That's the ET65 all the way!
Vaughn, it seems like the existing G12T-100 has a bump in the range which causes the Fender cleans to be irritating in the high end, just below the chimey range, and not as musical as a typical Fender would be.
Are you suggesting that the ET-65 would be better at smoothing this range out than the ET-90? I'm looking at getting the best transparent Fender clean sound out of the amp.
"Are you suggesting that the ET-65 would be better at smoothing this range out than the ET-90? "
Yep ... fur sure :-)