Pic Wars - The Phantom Menace (quest for the ultimate plectrum) | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Pic Wars - The Phantom Menace (quest for the ultimate plectrum)

Pic Wars - The Phantom Menace (quest for the ultimate plectrum)

Hey guitar folks, ready to delve in to some serious pic discussion?  This is a blog that I’ve been simmering on the back burner for many weeks now; ever since the summer NAMM show.  At the NAMM show I did something quite out of character for me, I actually dropped ten bucks and purchased a meager four "V-picks". 

They were enticing, with oh-so cool looks, and promises to improve my tone and speed, and not fall out of my fingers.  Right then and there, I decided I could make one heck of a blog outta comparing these new-fangeled picks to old standards.  Later that day, I ran into Daniel from WGS and showed the new picks to him; he proceeded to lay in my hand a "Finns" pick, another new one to me! 

It was official; the pic-wars were on!  Since then, I’ve gone plumb pic-wild. Here is just one of several of my stray pic containers; I’ll just bet you have some that look similar.  

READ ON for the epic pic story to beat all others.

My pic journey began with the obligatory "Fender Medium".  In the middle of Minnesota farm country in the late 70’s/early 80’s these were pretty much the only pic readily available. When I visited my folks on the farm this summer, I found a plastic box full of literally hundreds of broken Fender Medium picks.  That was the problem with those things, they always broke.  It was difficult to find one in my pic collection that was intact.  I’ll say this, that old celluloid must have been some chemically potent stuff, I nearly got high as a kite just breathing in the fumes as I opened that box of broken picks; the first time they had been open in decades.

Right around 1980 I ordered a stone "mind-pick" from an advertisement in Guitar Player Magazine.  It promised tonal improvement and lightning-fast speed, all for the amazing price of just ten bucks (hummm ... sounds suspiciously like the v-pick pitch now that I think about it).  What it actually was, well, was ... a rock; a pretty polished rock, but a rock none the less.  It is a novelty; it is not a guitar pick.

Somewhere in the early 80’s the new Dunlop nylon pics found their way to my small town, and wonder of all wonders, the darn things didn’t break; but boy did they wear-down. 

Maybe the Fender’s would have worn-down too, but they always broke before they had time to wear down!  I stuck with various Dunlop nylon pics for a decade or so.

Then I moved to Nashville and became a pic-whore.  I didn’t intend to, it just happened.  Everywhere I went, people were giving me picks with their company name on them.


When I opened my first checking account in Nashville, I got a free toaster and a big handful of pics, seriously!  Test drive a car; get a pick with the salesman’s name and number on it.  Walk into a guitar shop, and walk out with a handful of store-branded picks, gratis!  Buy a pair of jeans, and get a pack of free picks.  Every band, and every player seemed to have vanity picks with their name on them, and they tossed them out like candy at a Christmas day parade. 

My buddy Todd still uses pics in leau of business cards.

So for a decade or so, I simply used whatever pick I managed to grab, paying little attention to what it was made out of or how thick it was.  Then in the 90’s I started to play professionally quite a bit more and decided to re-think my pic philosophy.  About that time I read an article on the virtues of the tardrop-shaped Dunlop Nylon Jazz picks ... bought some and hated them.  I’d unsuccessfully tried Fender’s tear-drop pics, I should have known that size and shape just didn’t work for me!

For a while I did what some of the A-team Nashville session guys did at the time and used a cut-off thumb pick with a traditional pick stuck under it.  That didn’t ever really work for me, but I’ve still got the mutilated thumb picks.

I tried a bunch of picks with "grippy" surfaces and I hated each and every one of them.

Next, I experimented with nearly every pick Dunlop makes, and ya gotta hand it to them, they make a bunch of different picks:  Celluloid, Nylon, Ultex, Tortex, Poly, Felt, Delrin, flat picks and thumb picks, big picks and little picks, the list goes on and on ... My hat’s off to Dunlop for their contributions to us all, but oh, the decisions! 

Darn if I didn’t come back to the same old dilemma, when it came right down to it, I preferred the celluloid picks, everything else just didn’t sound as good and the tip wore down quickly, and when they wore down, they sounded even worse.  Of course, the celluloid pics broke with a disheartening regularity.

Then lightning struck: I happened upon a single d’addario pick unlike any other I’d ever felt.  It had a real magic on acoustic guitar, and try as I may, I couldn’t wear the thing down.  Ureka, I’d found my pick!  Problem: it was no longer made.  I actually called d’addario and was told they should still be available under the Planet Waves name, but I have never been able to find them.  After years of use, that special pic did finally break, and even then it behaved unlike any other pick I’ve ever owned, actually breaking from top to bottom!

Ever since, I’ve been a pic nomad, wandering aimlessly from pic to pick.  Early this summer I picked up a handful of (free) music-store branded picks, later that evening, after playing the first song of the evening at an outdoor show, I thought something black was raining down out of the sky.  I had black powder all over myself and my guitar.  It was the pick, now only a fraction of its original size.  I shoulda known better.

For the most part, I was back to celluloid pics, mostly made by Martin, for acoustic work; and various Dunlop pics for electric.

So, that takes me to where this blog started, the summer NAMM show in Nashville; I was seriously primed to find the new pic of my dreams.  Did I find it?  Well, yes, but not the way I expected.  The V-Picks wound up (for me anyway) being in roughly the same classification as the stone "mind pick": a neat curiosity, but not a functional pic.  Like the rock pick, they have absolutely no "give" to them, and they felt like a chunk of Plexiglas in my hand.  That may be your thing, but it’s not mine.

The real hit was that "finns" pick that Daniel handed me.  Turns out it is, in fact, a nylon pic made by Dunlop, but it doesn’t feel or respond like any other nylon pic I’ve ever held.  I’ve never liked a pic that was not of the traditional size/shape, but I like this one.  On acoustic, it sounds very much like a thin celluloid pic: bright, expressive, and sensitive.  On electric it sounds and feels like a cross between a nylon and a celluloid, with the best qualities of both, like that magic d’addario.  Oh, and that weird shape?  Well, all I can say is that it works for me, actually felt quite natural from the very first time I used it.  Give one a try, I double-dog dare ya.

Next week I plan to have some video comparisons of some of the pics highlighted here, it’s gonna be awesome!  But first I’ll leave you with a couple of interesting novelty picks.

First the edible weatware pic ... actually made from wheat.  I didn’t actually try eating one, but when I tried playing with them, they instantly broke.

Next the pic preferred by countless punk rockers:

And finally, I had to include this:

Got your own pic story?  Share it with us here as a comment to this blog!  See ya next week.

email vaughn    About Vaughn Skow

10/06/2011 12:25pm

I did this same song and dance with a bazillion picks about eight months ago. Now I didn't test out the Finn picks, but I might have to give them a try now. But I came to a similar conclusion; after all was said and done, I just liked the way the Fender picks responded. I do prefer the heavys, though. So if you choose to stick with the Fenders here is a little tip to help keep them from shooting out of your hand as it gets sweaty from face-melting solos. Take a quarter inch drill bit and drill a hole right in the center of the pick. A hole in the middle does not keep them from breaking, but it really makes a big difference in how often it slips out of your fingers. I tried a company called Star Picks that made their picks with star-shaped holes in them. They would stay in my hand, but they were nylon and just didn't feel right to me.

10/07/2011 7:02pm

Nice to hear of someone else going pick-crazy!  I've got quite a collection, and includes several that you've not mentioned.  There are different sounds and feels to be had, for certain, and the range of sonic character is very broad.  I like how some picks sound, but how others feel, and some feel nice but lack clarity of others, etc. Delrin, Ultex/Ultem, Nylon, celluloid, and other natural or synthetic materials are all interesting

My default?  Ice-Pix flex copper - thin, but stiff, wonderful clarity, nice open mids, thick lows, and well-defined highs.  I also like their stainless steel flex, which has less pronounced lows, and better upper-mid chime - depends on which amp(s) I'm using.  I found it important to round the point a bit on these thin metal picks, in order to avoid hanging up on the strings.  I encourage you to give 'em a spin for a while.

 - Thom


By the way - the slug of fumes you inhaled were likely nitric acid - it evolves from the nitrocellulose, and the breakdown reaction self-accelerates as nitric acid fumes are released.  Same thing happens with very old film negatives and movie stock.  Darn shame!


11/16/2011 9:30pm

I find that over the last 30 years I have tried every pick in the market. I have norrowed it down to a few that I change depending on which guitar I play, and the attack and tone I need. Right now I use, V-Picks, Red Bear Picks, Stainless Steel Ice Picks, Tortex, or Dunlop Jazz III. 

I find that when my technique needs a kick in the pants I switch picks until I find one that helps me regain a sense of control over my picking technique. It might be a mental thing but it works for me. The other thing I figued was that I like thick guage picks with zero give. I like their tone better and I pick better with them.

But the one thing I will say is that pick material makes a big difference when it comes to tone. To some, this may not be apparent or important because unless you have a great ear for subtle tonal changes you wont even notice. Im a completely tone dependent player, so these small pieces of plastic, metal or vinyl make a huge difference to me.This afternoon, I was practicing with my Red Bear Tough Tone Classic. This pick sounds great and attacks the strings just right.

I like the V-Picks alot and I tend to use them with guitars that do not have a fresh set of strings. They give you a bright sound. The only thing with the V-Pick is that if you dig to hard into the string you might get a slight chirp. But their action and the way they glide over the strings is amazing. Anyway, Happy Picking!





08/14/2016 10:10am

Didn't Pat Martino use Mind pics?