Dsl5c replacement speaker | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Dsl5c replacement speaker

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08/08/2016 8:04pm

I just got this brand new ds5c as a rehearsal amp...I usually gig with either a dsl40c or 100 watter w/4-12.  The sound is a bit boxy and dark with the stock speaker.  The amp sounds amazing (louder and with balls) when I plug 5c into the 12" (stock) speaker that is in the 40c.  Some guys at the Marshall forum have been fitting 12" speakers into the box (requires some routing to clear the speaker), others say a good 10" is night and day.  Is there a wgs in 10" that will be louder and more full sounding than stock 10-30 speaker or should I try to fit a 12".  I like 80's style rock tones.  What do you recommend 10" or 12"?  

08/12/2016 4:01pm

"Is there a wgs in 10" that will be louder and more full sounding than stock 10-30 speaker"

Yes, all of them :-)

But, the G10C would blow your socks off ... Soooo much more volume and bottom end!

04/15/2017 3:13pm

If I were to put a 12" WGS inside the DSL 5 which speaker would you guys recommend. I'm looking for flexibility with a focus on Blues, 70's Rock/Hard Rock through NWBHM. Not to fussy about more modern ultra high gain rhythm.

It's a similar amp to the DSL15 with similar tubes. For that amp you recommend "ET65 would be a fantastic choice ... unless you REALLY want to tone down the top-end bite, in which case go for a G12C/S (smooth cone)."

Would you say the same for the DSL5c and would they work at lower TV type volume. I like the stock speaker but it's lacking some grunt and the highs can be quite shrill. I generally OD the clean channel but use minimal gain for some lead and AC/DC type crunch.

04/22/2017 7:29pm

Adrian... yea, I'd say my recommendation would be exactly the same. Does a 12 fit in the box ok?

04/27/2017 11:15pm

It's a close fit with a 1/4 inch groove in the floor of the cab. Several people have put the Veteran 30 inside. If it's bigger than the Veteran and doesn't fit there's always my Marshall CODE 50 to stick it in and add a speaker hookup :).

05/25/2017 9:35am

Hey, did ya do the 12" ET65 conversion or stick with the ten ... & what were the results?