Single 12" for a 50W Boogie 50 Caliber open back combo | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Single 12" for a 50W Boogie 50 Caliber open back combo

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11/22/2016 9:26am

I am looking for a single 12" speaker for a 50W Boogie 50 Caliber open back combo. I use pedals to alter the tone, such as overdrive, so I had the amp biased to not overdrive easily from the preamp stage (yes on purpose, it's a single channel amp). I am a bass player who enjoys playing a little guitar in styles from classic rock, metal, blues, and pop. While I do switch up my pedals a bit I don't use modeling (I have a modeler, I just don't use it). I use a variety of guitars when I play; primarily Les Pauls with vintage output non ceramic pickups (HB and P90) and a Strat with Lace Sensors.

I'm interested in the Reaper HP based on the sound clips. I don't want a speaker that is going to break up easily, but I don't want it to sound sterile. A solid, clear low end is necessary, with good presence on the mids and highs. Articulation is necessary clean or overdriven. The cab has an open back and the speaker has to do it all by itself, so I can't use a mix of speakers. I don't have to match the wattage from the amp with the speaker, but I don't want something that will blow easily if I let a friend wail on it for hours. 8 ohms seems ideal; the amp will do 4 but at 8 I can add an extension cab at some point in the future.

Any advice based on this information?

11/22/2016 5:00pm

Sure, a Reaper HP is a great choice ... but ... I'd say an even BETTER choice would be the ET65 ... which always excells in a 1x12 open-back combo.  Plus, it's nice and organic ... not at all sterile ... you'll love it!