MDF 4X12. Keep or disgard?? | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

MDF 4X12. Keep or disgard??

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08/16/2016 11:57am

I have many Cabs now.  thanks to WGS.  lol. I have two 4X12s and two 2X12s.  All superior stock grade wood.

My issue is is that I have Ibanez 4X12 MDF in storage.  I'm getting ready to move. 

I'm looking perhaps to build another WGS Cab, a 212 from a discounted empty Cab, preferably with birch or pine wood.  Or should I just build a humongo with Ibanez MDF 412?

Is there any benefit to MDF??

Another forum I was told just throw it away...I also read MDF is preferred for studios or at home, as long as you don't have to move it around.

If anything, I could keep Cab around and put Cab(s) on top of it.  If I have three 412s in my man cave, my wife will have me sleeping outdoors.

I like looking for another 2X12 discount Cab.  it keeps me busy.

But, I don't like the looks of knowing I have an MDF staring at me.  I've become a boutique snob.


08/17/2016 5:37pm

... "as long as you don't have to move it around." ...

Yea, that's the big factor :-)

As for tone, we all know MDF dosn't resonate and sing like pine or baltic birch ... MDF can sound "OK", but never will it sound top-shelf.

08/20/2016 5:47am

if I can sell it for $20-30 I can part ways at a yard sale.  It makes an OK promo, at least.

Or make a feeble attempt on Cragislist.

I paid $75 used.  Sold 2 speakers for about $60.  Gave 2 away.

Cab virtually paid for itself.  I loaded WGS Vet/30 ET-65s.  It sounded OK. 

I then bought 1960A retolexed unolad Marshall on Ebay $160. 

Ibanez Cab is nice to have around, but new home is nice, but not entirely roomy.

11/19/2016 2:44pm

Guitar cabinets originated before HiFi stereo type speakers had gained much ground. They both used Birch plywood back in the day, but as time went on manufacturing techniques split. Birch cabinets and other plywoods along with pine all color sound.  That sounds great when creating tone, but when you're recreating what has been recorded faithfully that coloration changes the tone an artist worked so hard to achieve. MDF is perfect for playback, but sterile when creating tone. It might be useful for a bassist but not for us. I would also use MDF in PA cabinets when they are not going to be moved from gig to gig. They sound infinitely better than the lightweight plastic PA speakers most bands use today. And if you have your own recording studio use MDF in your monitors. If you don't you'll be chasing odd resonances all over the place trying to get your recording to sound good when playing them back.