DSL40C and Code 50 Speaker upgrade | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

DSL40C and Code 50 Speaker upgrade

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09/22/2016 4:56pm

Seems like my last post didn't work.

Amps that I have: VOXC2X with Alnico Blue (lots of background noise) with NOS GE tubes, Fender Twin Reverb (Low Noise floor) for the clean sound, Marshall 1987X 50 Watt Plexi head with 1960 Lead 4x12 cab with greenbacks. 

Guitars: Gibson Les Paul Standard, Less Plus, Peace. Fender MIA Strat Deluxe Plus

I don't plan to gig any time soon. I'm mostly playing at home at low levels. I enjoy playing the blues and clean for now. I plan to keep some marshall amps for the rock sound. I will probably get rid of some of the amps or get them looked at to make sure they are in perfect shape.

I got a Marshall Code 50 and wishes to upgrade the speaker to 12" BlackHawk HP alnico - 100 watts or 12" BlackHawk alnico - 50 watts. Which would be a better fit? Note that Code 50 is a 4 ohms amp, so ideally, I'll keep the speaker at 4 ohms as well.


I also got a Marshall DSL40C and wishes change the stock speaker to the same speakers: 12" BlackHawk HP alnico - 100 watts or 12" BlackHawk alnico - 50 watts. I know that Vet 30, ET65 and Invader was recommended numerous times. Is there any reason not to go the alnico route? Also, if ET65m is recommended, wouldn't ET90 would be even better?

10/03/2016 5:40pm

Okay ... sorry I missed your post the first time!

I'd say go for the Blackhawk (50-watt) for both of those amps.  I only suggest going for the HP version when the amp is over 50-watts because the 100-watt version is a little stiffer than the 50-watt (it has to be to handle 100-wats RMS!

And yes, if you can afford Alnico, I would suggest that over the ET65 or other ceramic models.
