Mesa Stiletto Ace replacement WGS speaker | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Mesa Stiletto Ace replacement WGS speaker

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Isaac Berumen
07/11/2016 3:09pm

I have a Mesa Boogie Stiletto Ace 1X12 50watt combo which is basically a high gain version of JTM/JCM800 circuit. It has a stock Vintage 30 and I'm looking for a speaker that will thicken the tone up a bit and remove the upper mid spike that the V30 has. I'm running humbucker equipped guitars and run the volume on the amp at a little more that halfway for gig volume with a 3pc band. Fairly loud and the mids in the V30 can become fatiguing and impossible to dial out.

Play mostly overdriven/gain tones like Alice In Chains (Facelift)/GnR/Tool/Mastodon.

Not looking for honking midrange but the right kind of mids can make or break a Marshall-type circuit like this. Looking for tight bass, less upper mid spike, maybe retain the high end of the Vintage 30's


Was interested in the folowing speakers.

1. ET65 (worried it wont keep up with the low end of the amp at the volume we play at) see this recommended for Marshall circuits quite a bit though.

2. ET90 (worried it's too scooped? like a G12-75) the balance might be good for the 1X12 combo. Is the high end too much?

3. Veteren 30 (too close in tone to the Vintage 30) how much of a change is it tonally from the stock speaker in combo.

Have also been recommended a Scumback JD75-LD and the J75 sounded great on the Pete Thorn clips.


Any opinions or other options are more that welcome.


Isaac Berumen
07/11/2016 3:36pm

I have a Mesa Boogie Stiletto Ace 1X12 50watt combo which is basically a high gain version of JTM/JCM800 circuit. It has a stock Vintage 30 and I'm looking for a speaker that will thicken the tone up a bit and remove the upper mid spike that the V30 has. I'm running humbucker equipped guitars and run the volume on the amp at a little more that halfway for gig volume with a 3pc band. Fairly loud and the mids in the V30 can become fatiguing and impossible to dial out.

Play mostly overdriven/gain tones like Alice In Chains (Facelift)/GnR/Tool/Mastodon.

Not looking for honking midrange but the right kind of mids can make or break a Marshall-type circuit like this. Looking for tight bass, less upper mid spike, maybe retain the high end of the Vintage 30's


Was interested in the folowing speakers.

1. ET65 (worried it wont keep up with the low end of the amp at the volume we play at) see this recommended for Marshall circuits quite a bit though.

2. ET90 (worried it's too scooped? like a G12-75) the balance might be good for the 1X12 combo. Is the high end too much?

3. Veteren 30 (too close in tone to the Vintage 30) how much of a change is it tonally from the stock speaker in combo.

Have also been recommended a Scumback JD75-LD and the J75 sounded great on the Pete Thorn clips.


Any opinions or other options are more that welcome.


07/11/2016 5:19pm

Man ... I would go with the ET65 ... it'll handle the power just fine.

Isaac Berumen
07/12/2016 7:10pm

You don't think the ET65 will sound too 'box-y' in the combo?

What are your opinion on the others I mentioned? And do you have any other suggestions?


Thanks in advance.

07/15/2016 2:14pm

Plenty of Mesa users happy with a speaker similar to the WGS12L.

May lose some of the british character, but definitely no mid-spike, and not much coloration of a high quality amp with preamp gain to spare.



07/15/2016 2:19pm

Plenty of happy Mesa owners with a speaker similar to the WGS12L.

May give up some of the british character, but plenty of power handling, no mid spike, and a neutral projection of an amp with preamp gain to spare.

Rock on!

07/20/2016 5:47pm

Plenty of happy Mesa players use a speaker similar to the WGS12L.

Give up some british character for a more neutral tone and more than capable power handling capability.

Isaac Berumen
07/21/2016 9:26pm

Trevor form WGS sent me the following email in response to my inquiry.

"Our Veteran 30 is our take on the V30 design, made specifically to tame the upper mid spike and top end. It’s relatively the same in low end and low mid response, but smoother in the upper mids and highs. It should get along great with the Stiletto Ace. 

If you want to diverge further from the V30 design, the ET90 is also an excellent choice. It has a bit of a scooped quality in the upper midrange, with big tight bottom end, and some sparkle up top. You can’t go wrong with either one, in my opinion."
I ended up ordering a a WGS ET65 8ohm on Monday and it arrived earlier today. Still breaking it in and will try and run a signal through it all day tomorrow. From playing on it today just under gig volume it sounds great with the amp. Very noticable difference from the V30. First impression was that it reminded me of a closed back ported 2x12 Mesa cab a buddy had, tight bass response and this kinda growly mid thing, the high end was not as irritating as that of the V30. I find that the amp sounded great with the Treble, Middle, Bass all set at noon as oppsed to having to dial something in/out drastically. I feel like it will be easier to fine tune and definitely makes the amp more enjoyable to play. It definitely has enough bass for the combo and it's faily tight in reponse/frequency.
Isaac Berumen
07/27/2016 6:57pm

Thanks for the report.

Yea, it's hard to go wrong with a ET65 in a 1x12 ... and yes, the VET30 sounds VERY much like a Vint 30.