Princeton Reverb speaker replacement | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Princeton Reverb speaker replacement

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Gary Goldstein
11/19/2015 12:52pm

I love the WGS G12C/S in my blackface Deluxe Reverb. Great cleans with sparkle but no ice pick highs, and sounds good with OD pedals too. Without pedals, it stays clean for a long, long time.

I just got a silverface Princeton Reverb and want to replace the original Oxford. With the Oxford, break-up sounds good beginning at 3 ½ or 4 on the volume knob, but there’s a bit too much treble unless I set the treble tone to 3 or below (not to mention sounding a bit flubby when cranked).

My first thought is to put a G10C/S in, but for the Princeton Reverb I don’t want to use pedals, and I’m concerned that the 75 watt speaker will stay clean too long. Do you think that’s the case, or is it still possible to get some warm break-up without diming the amp? The Veteran 10 seems like it might have the opposite problem, unable to stay clean unless played at a very low volume. Thoughts?

11/20/2015 11:33am

This description matches my idea of the perfect Princeton tone- volume at 3 1/2 to 4, cleans nice and rich and ready to breakup when you dig in, the speaker likewise getting pushed into some breakup and 'flubbiness.' Tone also at 3 or 4.

I love those Oxfords, even if some people find them 'farty' - if this were mine I might consider keeping it the way it is and getting an external cab, maybe a nice big 1x12 even. 

That being said, I had a Blackface PR for a while in which someone had installed a high power JBL 10" and it sounded great, pretty transparent, even on the verge of sterile, but it let the amp shine with minimal interaction with the speaker. Not sure which WGS speaker might compare, but a high wattage speaker with tight lows might be what you're looking for.

Good luck- great amp!



11/20/2015 3:24pm

Given what you are after ... I think you are right on the money with the G10C/S ... the old smoothie shout give you exactly what you want :-)

Gary Goldstein
02/25/2016 10:50pm

Wanted to give an update. Although I love the G12C/S in my Deluxe Reverb, I decided I wanted to stick closer to the original Oxford sound and feel so I went with the Veteran 10 and I've been SUPER happy! The low end is really full, but tight. There's a bit of break-up, but warm and not harsh at all (you wouldn't confuse the PR/Vet10 as being a tweed amp!). I use a Timmy and/or TS808 with the DR, but I've been so in love with the Veteran 10 in the PR that I haven't used OD pedals at all.


If someone wants more super-clean volume/headroom from their PR, I could see going with a G10C/S. However, if you want it to be close to the original Oxford sound (with a better bottom end), the Veteran 10 is great.

02/27/2016 1:18pm

Cool, thanks for the post-back!  Yea ... that lil Vet 10 is amazing ... looks so diminutive ... but sounds soooo nice ... our OEM guy, Wayne tells me that design goes back many decades to when he was the head engineer at the CTS plant in Paducha (sort of the WGS predecessor).