Retro 30 and Veteran 30 pairing. | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Retro 30 and Veteran 30 pairing.

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09/22/2015 9:09pm


First time poster, stumbled upon this wonderful place after many hours of searching. Recently got to hear veteran 30's live and away I went with lots more youtube and other forum browsing.

I loved the tone of the vet 30's live. I also love what I hear from the retro 30 on quality recordings. After skimming 50 plus pages here I didn't really read anything about pairing the vet and retro 30's aside from a remark ofnit being too much of a good thing? I kind of like too much of a good thing. I'm having two 212 cabs made by a budding company from a few cities over from my area. These will be closed back natural wood (stained) cabs, dove tail joint, very sturdy overbuilt cabs. I will be running it with a Peavy 5150 60w head (converted from combo). My guitar is a Kramer neck thru with hot humbuckers. I feel after listeninf that this combo would be tight, warm, punchy, gritty and a little sizzly. I love mids clarity and driven tubes. How do you think this combo would work goven my set up and tonal goals. Sorry if this is a repeat some how, I really did read through most of the pages and posts as well as tried some searches.

Thanks a ton.



10/07/2015 10:10pm

I'm actually thinking about doing something similar.  I have a 4x12 with Celestion Vintage 30s and 75s in an x pattern.  I've watched some retro/veteran vs vintage 30 you tube clips where they also mix the two.  Some have been vin 30s with retros and others vet 30s with vin 30s.  I really like the mixed sound!  I'm thinking about pulling the 75s and doing retro 30s mixed with my celestion vintage 30s maybe in an x pattern.  My cab sounds pretty monsterous now but I don't necessarily like the tone of it.  I really think mixing vintage 30s with retros or vets would be amazing.  Same if you mix vets with retros.  All similar sounding speakers yet different enough to make your cab sound more interesting but not in a very dramatic way.  I don't see how those combos could possibly sound bad.  Worse case scenario, you don't hear much of a "mix" and your tone sounds like vet 30s or retro 30s.  I say go for it.  Gonna give it a shot myself. 

12/16/2015 10:35am

Matching Cabs with Amps is subjective and depends upon the Amp. A darker Amp needs a brighter speaker and a brighter Amp needs a darker speaker.


My experience with Vet30/ET-65 is that the former barks and the latter calms it down, making one decent WHOLE sound. It's a good mix because neither speaker jumps out as different.


I believe the Vet30 was created to reduce ear fatigue. Combining it with Retro may be OK. It'll create a lttle ear fatigue to give your sound life, but not too much.

12/22/2015 6:29pm

Ha!  "Too much of a good thing" ... yea, I kinda like that, too :-)

Actually, it's a great combo ... like the Vet 30, but with a touch more non-harsh top-end and bigger bottom!