Does G10C have lots of bass? combine well with alnico? | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Does G10C have lots of bass? combine well with alnico?

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08/15/2011 2:05pm

Anybody know if G10C (ceramic 10" 75 watt) is strong in lower mids and bass?  Need something with chunk that will combine with a 10" weber blue pup.  And be about the same strength.  Thanks

08/16/2011 9:38am

Yes, and Yes!  The G10's were the speakers that brought WGS and I together.  I saw them at summer NAMM a few years back and was blown away by what I saw and heard.  I ordered the first two off the line - one Ceramic and one Alnico.  I have since put many hours on those speakers, through many amps and in several configs. 

The G10's have the most solid, useable bottom end of any ten I have ever experienced - absolutely amazing ... and I'm not exaggerating.  The G10A has a slightly sweeter top end, but the G10C has just a little stronger bottom end - and the combination of the two is extremely magical.  I would imagine the G10C would mate equally well with the Webber Alnico ... but I've never tried it.  Efficiency wise, they should be fairly well balanced.

Hope this helps...

Jon Sergott
07/07/2015 7:09pm

Looking for a mate for my Weber blue pup alnico 20 watts. Making a 2x10 cab from a repurposed Fender Princeton Chorus.

Anyone try the 10c or 10c/s with a weber Blue Pup? Any other WGS 10inchers that would play well?

Considering a Weber silver 10 as an obvious companion for the blue, but I so love my et65 that I have to look at WGS options too.

Any help is appreciated - love me some WGS.  PEACE

07/13/2015 7:55pm

The smooth cone is quite a bid darker ... what I call "smoky" or "tweedy".  Both have huge bottom end, but the ribbed-cone is a more over-all well-ballanced speaker.

Jon Sergott
07/07/2015 7:05pm

Hey I'm currently repurposing a Fender Princeton Chorus into a 2x10 open back cab. Starting with my alnico Weber Blue Pup and looking for a mate for it.

Considering the Weber Silver ten as an obvious match  but I LOVE my WGS ET65 so much I'm also consiering a WGS10"er.  Never played any WGS 10 inchers. I saw this post and I think it's from before the 10c/s came out.

Does anyone have experience with eiither of the 10" these paired with a blue pup? Which would be better, the 10c or 10c/s?  Any other 10" recommendations to pair with Blue pup?  The pup is 20 watts...


Love the WGS!  PEACE

Jon Sergott
09/09/2015 2:35pm

I went with the g10c. Just got it in yesterday.

First of all: Astonishing speaker.

I've been playing a long time now I have a good idea what amps and speakers will do generally. But this one blew me away. Just right in all the right places, with the amazing bass response being the most remarkable characteristic. The Fender SCX2 will flub out on some of the voices, but the g10c held everything together amazingly.

Also it really wants to be pushed - it sounded better the more I cranked it. I had the 65 deluxe setting dimed and the g10c loved it. I found myself GASsing for a bigger amp even though I have no need for it, just to hear that speaker going full throttle.

It mates well with the alnico blue pup, too. The g10c is louder for sure, but it doesn't totally overpower it and I wouldn't want it any other way. It pulls together the low flub and gives it a testosterone boost, while still allowing the alnico sweetness to come through. It's a nice pair.

So, super champ X2 into the g10c = great. Paired with alnico blue pup = not all that different but 2x10s is a little different and the touch of alnico makes it sweeter. The g10c shounds great by itself though.

Now I'm wondering how good the g10c would sound wiith an ET10 or maybe I'll start saving for the g10a. Thanks for all the reviews, blog posts and online speaker tests etc. Vaughn - super helpful when making these decisions.