2X12 speaker pairing questions | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

2X12 speaker pairing questions

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02/25/2015 10:35am



I have a few questions that I'm hoping you can help me out with.


I have a Egnater Rebel 20 head and I'm about to purchase a Fender SuperSonic 22 head. I just bought a Seismic 2X12 cabinet ($139 - free shipping) can't beat it. I don't gig so it will just be sitting in a room…. So my questions are:

1) Does the Retro 30 & ET-65 pairing work as well for the burn/distortion side of the SS22 as it does for the clean?


2) 16 Ohm speakers tend to be a bit brighter, if you wire them in parallel for 8 Ohm does that negate the 16Ohm brightness? Or the 16Ohm speakers have that characteristics that won't change regardless of how it's wired with other speakers?


3) What do you recommend for a 2X12 pairing for the Rebel 20 head for mostly dirty rock to distortion? (not so much heavy/death metal think more Alice in Chains type stuff)?




02/28/2015 12:49pm

Hi Mike!  Remember, when you post a topic, you will see a message informing you that your post will require approval before being published ... so there is no need to keep re-posting!

Anyway ...

1) Does the Retro 30 & ET-65 pairing work as well for the burn/distortion side of the SS22 as it does for the clean?


2) 16 Ohm speakers tend to be a bit brighter, if you wire them in parallel for 8 Ohm does that negate the 16Ohm brightness? Or the 16Ohm speakers have that characteristics that won't change regardless of how it's wired with other speakers?

Nope, impedance of a speaker, in and of itself, does not effect tone ... however, the matching of the final impedance of a speaker load to the output transformer of a tube amp DOES!

3) What do you recommend for a 2X12 pairing for the Rebel 20 head for mostly dirty rock to distortion? (not so much heavy/death metal think more Alice in Chains type stuff)?

Either the Ret30/ET65 combo you mentioned, or RET30/ET90 for just a little more volume and bottom end.

03/30/2015 1:01pm


The speakers sounds absolutely awesome. Great highs, mids, lows, clean, dirty, full distortion. All volume levels. I had a chance to run a few different heads through the cabinet and compared them to some other cabinets and just an all-around better sound from the WGS speaker cabinet. Here's the gear I tested this weekend:

Seismic 2X12 WGS ET-65 & Retro30, Crate 4X12 w/ Celestian G12t-75's (3)early 90's (1) 1987; Egnater Rebel Cab 1X12, Egnater Rebel 20 head; Vox VT100 2X12 Valvetronix; Crate G1500 head, Orange Micro Terror. Strat, Tele, semi-hollow P90, solid body P90, multiple humbucker guitars, a bunch of different pedals. I ran the signal through a ABC switch and had 3 amps going at once. Just an all around solid tone from those WGS speakers. Very impressed and completely satisfied.


Thanks for your help Vaughn!