old Yamaha SS amp speakers | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

old Yamaha SS amp speakers

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Scott Martin
12/26/2014 11:43pm

   Hi Vaughn,

     I love your videos, and I trust your opinion. I bought a mid-70's Yamaha G100-B212 for a song...beautiful sounding amp...super clean and VERY loud...stays clean all the way up....it was Yamaha's attempt at a SS Twin....it's not all the way there, but it gets really damn close...I use it as a clean template for pedals...I love it...it might benefit from some new speakers...I play a lot of classic rock, some Edge/U2 style, some ambient stuff...I'm thinking 2 ET-65's or 2 ET-90's...it's 100 watts, and has the original Yamaha 60-watt speakers...it already has a warmth and a character to it...I want to keep the Fender-like character to it, and maybe soften the highs a little bit...I have the bass cranked up and the treble rolled way back, so it's a very bright amp...I wanted to pick your brain for your opinion....thank you sir...you're the bomb

12/29/2014 4:24pm

Wow ... small world!  I just traded a couple of ADATs for the 1x12 version of that amp!  It's sitting next to my work bench ... and yea, I've been really pleased with the CLEAN sound ... however, the dirt the amp provides sucks way-bad, so any dirt must come from pedals!

Certainly the ET65s seem like the perfect fit for this amp ... with the other good logical choice being the G12C/S (smooth).  ET90's would only be my choice if you want it to REALLY be able to stay clean and tight at extreme volumes; either of the other two would be a better fit ton-wise.

If ya go for it ... be sure to post your results back here!!

Scott Martin
01/04/2015 10:09pm

Hey Vaughn...thanks for getting back to me...that's really cool that you've got the 1X12 version...they really do have a beautiful, warm & sparkling clean sound, and are INCREDIBLY loud (while staying CLEAN)...with the volume on 2 on mine, the walls and windows are rattling, which always brings a smile (lol)...the distortion on it does suck pretty bad, but I use pedals for any overdrive/distortion sounds I need...it really excels as a clean template for pedals....anyway, I think I'm going to go with 2 ET65's...from all of the videos, they sound the best to my ears, both clean and dirty...the G12C/S didn't sound as good to me with any dirt on it....when I get 'em here and installed, I'll report back...thanks again for the good advice---it's much appreciated