I'm thinking perhaps pairing a couple retro 30s with a pair of reaper hps.
I play music like Mournful Congregation and Esoteric and was wondering if those speakers would work well together to getting my those epic high screaming notes and crushing but tight low end.
Currently I have Celestion g12k-85s in an old peavey cab.
Looking for a heavy distorted tone without it becoming too muddy.
I also tune to drop A.
Holy Crap! How do you keep that in tune???
Anyway ... I'd think the Reapers would get to muddy for your special situation ...
I'm kinda thinking pair the Ret 30's with a pair of Britt Leads...
Well, my guitar is set up for B. And my 7 string is also, naturally.
So what would the advantages of the ret 30s over the vet 30s in the funeral doom situation?
And what can you tell me about the British Lead in terms of taking distortion?