Fender Princeton Reverb II | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Fender Princeton Reverb II

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11/30/2013 2:48pm

I know you've talked a bit about the Champ II but I'm wondering what your suggestion would be for a replacement speaker in the Princeton Reverb II? Mine currently has the stock blue label Eminence and I'm pretty sure this amp can sound better!

I'm a big fan of a Greenback but want to retain the Fender clean sound in this amp. I checked out your Hot Rod Deluxe speaker shootout and totally agreed with your choice of the Reaper HP. Would you suggest this for the Princeton Rev II?

12/01/2013 5:10pm

You could do a Reaper HP ... but if it were me, I'd probably go Reaper 30 ... probably my #1 choice for that cool ol Rivera era Fender.  And Oh what an upgrade it will be!!



11/02/2014 8:21pm

I just got my PRii back from a new local tech who rewired everything back to original spec and its sounds so MUCH better (I'm not the original owner). I went through two previous techs but never got the sound I wanted. The previous tech put in replacement speaker, an Eminence Legend I think (there's no logo on it) and it's okay but I think I can do better sound-wise so a speaker upgrade is next on my list.I was thinking that I should stay with the 'American Vintage options given that this is a Fender but you recommended the Reaper 30 which has piqued my interest. What can the Reaper 30 bring sound-wise in comparson to the American Vintage options? Thanks

11/02/2014 8:29pm

I have an '83 PRii, I'm not the original owner. Finally found a good tech who rewired the amp to take back to original specs and now sounds a lot better. The previous tech recommended a new speaker, Eminence Legend according to the invoice (no decal on the speaker), sounds okay with the recent work done but I think an upgrade is in order.Your recommendation of the Reaper 30 is interesting and I'm just wondering how it would compare to the 'American Vintage' speakers. I was assuming I should go with American Vintage for an Fender almost-vintage amp but now you have me rethinking this.

11/04/2014 6:46pm

Hi Vaughn;I've got an '83 PRii that's just been restored to original circuitry. The previous tech installed an eminence legend, at least that's what the invoice said. I want to upgrade to one of the WGS speaker but wondering if I should stay with something closer to the original speaker, such as and G12C or C/S. You mentioned the Reaper 30; how would this compare to a Jensen-like replacement?

11/05/2014 5:25pm

Disclaimer: I have personally owned two Rivera era Concert II's (a 1x12 & a 4x10). and a Champ II ... but not a Princton II.

Okay, so ... to me the Rivera era Fender amps sound a bit overly sterile and strident (to a guy who loves classic blackface & brown tones) ... so, I'd go for a warm and organic speaker ... the Reaper is that.

Probably my first choice, however, would be the ET65 ... a more warm & organic speaker has never been made!

The G12 would just be all wrong ... but the G12C/S (smoothcone) would also be a good choice ... the WARMEST choice, but not as organic as the ET65.

11/06/2014 4:13pm

Thanks, Vaughn;Another question. As I think about it, one of the reasons I had my PRii off to the tech was not only to improve the tone but for a little more clean headroom than I was getting. With that in mind (I play a teles), would the ET65 or Reaper still be viable choices? Or would the Reaper for instance break up sooner than I'd like.