Speakers for Egnater Tourmaster. | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Speakers for Egnater Tourmaster.

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02/15/2014 10:05am

Hello everybody,

First, I'm a belgian French speaker and my English speaking isn't that perfect, I'm sorry.

I just bought a Egnater Tourmaster head without the dedicated 212 or 412 cab's. The 412 features Celestion V30 I dislike and the 212 seems to have Celestion Custom speakers. I dont know which one of their models became a custom one ;-) .

However my amp has two clean Fender sounding channels and two distorted Marshall sounding channels and I need help to choose the right speaker. I don't like mixing speakers.

To me the right one should be warm enough for the Twin Reverb and Tweed clean channels but it also should have bite, brightness and a tight bottom end for the Marshall sounding channels.

At the moment, I've ET 65's but I'd like more bite and brightness. I think of the Liberator or the Retro 30 but I wonder, following you, excactly what to choose.

The amp is a 100W and I want a 212 cabinet.

Thank you,


02/17/2014 5:07pm

Since you state "I'd like more bite and brightness" ... the logical answer is Retro 30.  However, you also say you don't like the V30 sound ... and the Ret30 is voiced a LITTLE in the V30 camp.  However, the Ret 30 does not have as much of a 2KHz spike as a V30, and has more bottom and top (above 2k).

02/17/2014 6:54pm

Many thanks Vaughn, I go for the Ret 30 and shall give a feddback later.

01/31/2015 10:56am


Of coure I'm late but here is my feedback.

The Retro 30 is the only speaker I ever found to return the tones multi channel amps are expected to.

The Egnater Tourmaster has two fenderish and two marshallesque channels but the amp featuring 6L6GC power tubes the "british channels" didn't return that typical high mid distortion before to fit a pair of Retro 30 into my 212 cab. .

Now the four channels really sound in the right taste. I recommend the Retro 30 for all such multi channel amps.