Replace V30s in a Diezel rig | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Replace V30s in a Diezel rig

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02/07/2014 9:17am

I currently play a Diezel VH4S. I run it in stereo with two 4x12 frontloaded Diezel cabs. The stock speakers are Celestion V30s. In the past, I've enjoyed playing V30s, but in the Diezel cab (which is awesome btw), the high mid spike @ 2.5kHz is way too prominent. I need too cut this frequency -15db with a parametric EQ not to go mad! The Diezel cab has also revealed a certain quality about the V30s (and Celestions in general) that I don't like. I don't really know how to describe it in english, but I assume I would like something smoother than the Celestions. They work great for rock, but with this rig I'll play progressive metal, so I've come to that I need to try something else. I play in Drop C (6string) and Standard B (7string).

So what "something else" would be a good match for me given my amp, style and tuning? Coming from V30s, Vet30 and Retro30 seems like obvious alternatives, but I'd really like some input from you before I make up my mind. Thanks!

02/10/2014 8:38pm

This is a bit of a tough one ...

Since you say "the high mid spike @ 2.5kHz is way too prominent" ... I'd say stay away from the Vet 30 and Ret 30.  A 15dB cut at 2,5K is very extreme ... so it sounds like a BIG problem for you!

When you say you want "something smoother" here is where my mind goes (in order):

ET-90 ... big, bold, but still very smooth and balanced

ET-65 same, but not as big & bold

Reaper HP: Similar, but with a touch more Green-Back midrange.

Of the bunch ... I'd try the ET-90's first.

02/11/2014 4:38pm

Thanks for shifting my mind towards the ET-xx type of speakers. As far as I understand, the Liberator belongs to this family of speakers as well. How does it compare to the ET90? 

02/17/2014 4:53pm

The Lib has a bit more Green Back style midrange than the ET90 or ET65

09/22/2018 9:07am

I'm bumping this.

I ended up buying ET-90, Reaper HP and Retro 30. However, I didn't really test them until lately.

The verdict...

ET-90: Excellent suggestion! They sound huge. Big bottom end. Smooth. Balances the amp very well. However, they're a little more flubby in the bottom end than the V30 I came from.

Reaper HP: Described as similar to the ET-90s, but to my ears they were very different. A very bright speaker. But the annoying 2.5kHz spike was not there. With extreme settings on the amp (presence at 0, deep at 8, bass at 10, treble at 2) I was able to get usable tones from the Reaper HPs, but for distorted tones, I found to much of the distortion skewed towards the higher frequencies.

Retro 30: A better V30! That simple! They can be dialled to sound very much like the V30s. I connected one cab with V30s and one cab loaded with the Ret30s, and by cutting a little bottom end from the Ret30s and adding a little presence, they sounded very similar. However, I still preferred the Ret30s over the V30s. The 2.5kHz spike is still there in the Ret30s, but more subdued than in the V30s.

For the Diezel VH4S, the ET-90s are the winners! They match the amp very well. They solve the 2.5kHz problem, and they sound huge. However I will be interested in suggestions on speakers resembling the ET-90s with a tighter bottom end.

I will also keep the Retro30s. They sound awesome paired with my Custom Audio Electronics OD100 SE Plus amp. This amp was built to match V30s cabs, and the Retro 30s are indeed better V30s.

The Reaper HPs did not match any of my amps very well. I do however think they may be a good fit for darker amps.