Using a 2x12 cab with ET65's in it. Love the speaker, but find in a live situation it doesn't cut through as much as I would like. Seems to lacking a bit in the mids, and gets a lost in a mix a little somtimes What is the best option for a vintage tone type speaker along the same vein at the ET65 ? I play a lot of classic rock and blues based rock. I use it with a Mesa Mark V and a Marshall Plexi (and sometimes a vintage Orange)...and use both a dirty and clean tone ( not modern high gain...more of an AC/DC type of gain). I like a nice mid/low mid grunt and cut that you get with classic and blues rock.
Of note, I am not interested in mixing speakers.
Looking at the Invader, Liberator or maybe a Veteran 30 ? In the demo's I found on youtube, I think I may like the Invader better than the Liberator, but it's hard to tell from a youtube video.
Suggestions ???
Easy answer: prety much any model! Seriously, the ET65 is WGS's "warmest" speaker ... It's usually my choice only when paired with another driver, or when paired with a too-bright amp.
Given your amps, and what you play, I think you would like the Invaders. I understand not wanting to mix speakers. My main amp is a 4x10 Super Reverb with three different model speakers in it. It sounds amazing ... but close-micing only one speaker will not capture it all!
Thanks Vaughn Would the Liberators be a good choice as well, or should I just stick with the Invader's ? My only concern is that I run a 2x12 cab with a 100 watt head...and 2 Invader's are 100 watts...or is this really a concern ( I don't run the master over half) ?