Replacement Spkrs for Crate FW412 Cabs | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Replacement Spkrs for Crate FW412 Cabs

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08/31/2011 2:57pm

Hello All,


I am going to replace the not-so-good factory speakers in my Crate FW412 A & B Cabs with WGS', and am looking for a full-bodied, warm, buttery sound with good break-up, great sustain, and articulation.


My primary driver/recording amp is a Carvin MTS3200H 100W All-Tube Head running JJ Tubes, being 5 ea ECC83S' fore and 4 ea E34Ls aft, with 2 ea Crate FW120Hs just for fun and/or to be used live with my Carvin.


It would be great to have a setup that would be friendly to both my Carvin and Crate Heads, but will have no issues mixing them up in order to separately facilitate my Carvin and Crate Heads if necessary. 



1.  Does anyone know who makes Crate's "Custom Design" speakers for them and what they compare too?


2.  Would I need to reinforce my cabs in order to facilitate the new WGS' ? 


Many Thx & Have A Great Day.

09/06/2011 7:39pm

I am going to replace the not-so-good factory speakers in my Crate FW412 A & B Cabs with WGS', and am looking for a full-bodied, warm, buttery sound with good break-up, great sustain, and articulation.

-Good ... and "not-so-great" is being generous  on the crate speakers...


My primary driver/recording amp is a Carvin MTS3200H 100W All-Tube Head running JJ Tubes, being 5 ea ECC83S' fore and 4 ea E34Ls aft, with 2 ea Crate FW120Hs just for fun and/or to be used live with my Carvin.

Nice ol Marshallesque head (the Carvin).


It would be great to have a setup that would be friendly to both my Carvin and Crate Heads, but will have no issues mixing them up in order to separately facilitate my Carvin and Crate Heads if necessary. 



1.  Does anyone know who makes Crate's "Custom Design" speakers for them and what they compare too?

There should be a manufacturer code on the speakers - do a little google searching and you will figure it out - they may well be Eminence.


2.  Would I need to reinforce my cabs in order to facilitate the new WGS' ? 

No, the speakers may be cheap, but the cabs are plenty sturdy!

Many Thx & Have A Great Day.

So, the options for 4x12 cabs:

Go with all GB's (or invaders) for a classic Marshall tone.

Go with Retro 30's for a classic, yet uber-cool Marshall tone.

Go w/ two ET65's and two Retro 30's in each cab ... this, ultimately is my suggestion for you; you asked for "full-bodied, warm, buttery sound with good break-up, great sustain, and articulation"  this is it! 

Hope this helps!

09/07/2011 11:01am

Yes indeed, your input was a tremendous help.

I've gone ahead and ordered your 'Ultimate Suggestion', being the 2ea ET65's and 2ea Retro 30's for one cab, and cannot wait to install them and a-get-to rockin'!

Question ~ Is there any hope for my 2ea Crate FW120H 120W Heads, or should I just say goodbye to one, or both?  I ask because I plan to outfit my other cab with WGS' as well.


Many Thx Again Vaughn ~ Have A Great & Safe Day.

09/07/2011 3:33pm

I'm a total amp whore ... big, little, nice or nasty ... I love 'em all.  I have not personally played through any of the Flex Wave stuff ... so, I can't comment on it directly.  I will say, however, that I currently own around 45 amps of all types.  Between church gigs, band gigs, sessions, rentals, they almost all get used at least annually.  I have a 1x12 Line 6 for instance that is a real "jack of all trades, master of none" kind of amp.  It never really blows me away, but it's still my main church amp for it's versatility and ability to do what it does at any volume.  Ultimately, what you keep and what you let go is all up to you!

09/20/2011 2:18pm

Eureka...!  Got the new ET65s and Retro 30s for my Crate FW412A Cab - All I can say is "Thank-You Vaughn and WGS".

The Sound, Sustain, Definition - Are All There - "Glorious!" is what comes to mind, and they are not even broken in yet.  Plus - My Carvin MTS 3200H shines, and no matter which guitar I plug into it.

In Short - I am a "WGS Fan and User" from here on out.

BTW - The "finest components" according to Crate when it comes to their 12" guitar speakers are no more than ultra-cheap tin and paper SLMs with magnets being lighter than past-owned paper weights.  So no, they in no way possible could ever compare to my new WGS'.  Crates = '1'  ...  WGS' = '10'.

However, you were right about the cabs - They are stout, but the wiring should be replaced with better quality and an additional 4 screws must be used since the cabs only have 4 screws holding the speakers in place.

Question for Vaughn - What do you think of mixing British Leads with Veteran 30s?

Many Thx Again...!



09/21/2011 11:35am

Cool - and BTW, the 4-screw pattern is fine - all WGS speakers were 4-hole until just a few months back!

As for the Britt Lead/Vet 30 combo ... sure ... but I'd go w/ Retro 30's instead of the Vet 30's.


09/21/2011 1:38pm

Then I'll go with that for my Crate FW412B Cab.

Will update afterwards and let you know how they work out with the Crate FW120H Heads.

Many Thx As Always Vaughn...!

09/24/2011 11:09am

But, every time I've put the Vet 30 head- to - head with the Retro 30, I, along w/everyone else in the room has preferred the Retro 30.  Plus, it has a totally smokin' color!

01/26/2016 4:34pm

I too have the Crate Flexwave FW412A and FW412B cabinets that I want to put this combo in. When you purchased your speakers, did you get them all in 16 ohm?


My Blue Voodoo Head is capable of running 2 of these cabs in 8ohm mode, so I wouldn't want to throw that out of whack by getting the wrong impedence speakers.


Any help would be much appreciated.