Hi there, I'm looking to replace the blue marvel speaker in my peavey bandit 112.
I mainly play Metal, but I also unfortanately play everything from time to time.
I like the sound of v30s but I'm guessing they would be way too harsh with this amp, I already find it abit too harsh.
I've seen another thread where the ET-65 was recommended, but it didn't say what genre of music they played so I thought I would ask.
I'm currently looking at the ET-65, Veteran 30 (Will it have enough bass though?) and I know I heard Liberator somewhere, but I've not looked into it at all. (although I'm really looking at the speakers currently priced at $69 due to fund restrictions.)
What would your recommendation be? :)
*Also I live in the UK, what is the shipping cost and time?
Also this amp is 80watts, and open backed.
I'd say #1 choice would be a ET90 ... similar to the ET65 you asked about ... but a better match for your amp ... heck, a PERFECT match!
I think in the UK, buy from LEAN
Thanks for the help, however the ET90 doesn't seem to be sold in the UK at all, and the prices also seem alot higher. :(
No worries. :)