Hi, I need some suggestion for good speaker mixes. I got Swart SST30 with 6V6s, with Fender Jaguar which is bright. Expecting an empty 212 w/ open (oval) back cab real soon, tones like radiohead, blur, my bloody valentine and stuffs like so. Alnico or ceramics I don't care, as long as it's a good mix of 2 good speakers. Thanks!
PS : I want something that could stand out on the mix without that piercing sound, no harshness and no fizz, please! :-)
Well, if AlNiCo is in your budget, by all means ... go with a pair of Blackhawks! 6V6's L-O-V-E Blackhawks (and the feeling is mutual). Plus, they totally meet your request for a speaker "without that piercing sound, no harshness and no fizz" !
If you want to go Ceramic, go with a pair of Reapers. I greatly prefer the 30-watt (non HP).
Hope this helps, and please return here to post your results!
Thanks Vaughn!
How about alnico ceramic combo? Which blackhawk and what to complement it? Mind you again, it's a 30 watts head.
I'd say a Blackhawk (not HP) and a Reaper (not HP)