I have a Blackheart Killer Ant 1/4W head with matching 10" closed Killer Cab. This is a pretty dark amp, and obviously a very low wattage amp that is great for getting tube saturation at bedroom volumes, which is great because I am solely a bedroom player. I'm looking for a speaker that can brighten it up a little. I currently use both my Squier CV 60s Strat and Gibson Les Paul Jr. with the tone controls dimed, and it's still far from being bright. Any suggestions for a 10" replacement speaker for the closed cab to brighten up the tone? Generally speaking, I prefer a British voiced speaker. Thanks in advance!
I've got both 1W and 5W.
I have Vet30/ET-65 412. ANYTHING sounds great through that.
The 1W has a very Marhalesque type of sound. To get the vintange quality tone, you may want to stick with Green Berets. I don't know if Invader is 10 inches, but I sold mine and that speaker is somewhere between a Green Beret and Retro, IMO. I like that speaker very much.
Right now I have 1W matched up with EVH 5150 Heritage Green Backs. I don't think it does any good unless pushed hard.