Blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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Why Play Guitar?

Ladies, I apologize in advance: this blog is going to be written from a distinctly male perspective!  I’m taking the week off from my relentless pursuit of tone and speaker dissection to have a little fun.  Next week we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming; but for now, let’s kick back and have a little fun.  Ya ready? Okay guys, when it comes right down to it, why did you start playing guitar?  Be honest, to get chicks!  Right?  Dude, when I was 13, I was like human girl repellant.  I was barely over five feet tall, and was...

Happy Rockin' Hollidays From WGS!

It's been our best year in business yet all thanks to our loyal customers!  We are celebrating by giving away speakers!  Here are the winners: Clarence Deveau - G10C/SRandy Nelson - Retro 30Joel Labat - Reaper HPBrad Ryan - ET65Charlie Cyr - Invader 50Roger Cochran - G10C/SFrom all of us at WGS have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Ever wonder what Veteran 10's sound like with screaming high gain riffs?  Wonder no longer.  Our good friend Siarhei at Samp Custom Cabinets sent us this video to prove that the Veteran 10 has what it takes to shred:http://...

Lab Series L5, L7, & L9: the Ultimate Sleeper Amp?

Hey fellow ampaholics, my name is Vaughn, & I’ve got somthin’ to share with the group!  I’m a Big, Big, BIG fan of so-called "sleeper amps", you know, the amps that sound friggin awesome, but can be bought by the average working guitarist.  Hey, who doesn’t love them? In previous blogs I have featured the totally toneful, and surprisingly inexpensive Marshall Artist 3203, and the Randall RG80ES, the hands-down king of 80’s hair-metal tone.  Well, as promised, this week I’m blowing the dust off of what I believe is the best value in vintage amps available on...

Lab Series L7, Amp Blown, or Just The Speakers? (The big Rub)

Top of the mornin’ to ya!  It’s a fair sunny day in the south of the USA as I pen this blog.  If the sun’s not shinning where you are, I pray you have some light that shines from the inside out! I’m considering this blog to be the first in a two-part blog on my newly acquired Lab Series L7, a fine vintage solid-state 4x10 amp from the late 1970’s.  I was a kid just learning to play when the Lab Series amps were the "big thing".  They were used by a lot of big names back then, and they cost a heckuva lot more than the average guitar player could afford. ...

WGS Thanks YOU!

On this Thanksgiving day, WGS would like to pause and thank all of YOU ... loyal customers ... Seriously, you are the best group of folks in the world, and truly, this is a world-wide community!  Thank you; together we are improving the world, one amp at a time.  :-)

Fender Vibro-Champ XD, the Ultimate Bedroom Amp?

Hi-diddly-ho fair blogeriffic frinds.  I’m an amp guy, I don’t try to hide it.  I’d rather play an average guitar through a fantastic Amp than the other way around.  Can I get an "amen" from anybody out there?  The problem is that syrupy, smooth, warm tube-tone usually only comes once an amp is at a fairly high volume.  Even my smallest of tube amps, a silver-face Fender Champ, needs to get fairly loud before it finds its voice. My little Vox Pathfinder 15R sounds decent at low volume, but it is kind of a one-trick-pony, and even it sounds pretty...

Ultimate 5-pickup Fender Stratocaster, Worlds Most Versatile Guitar?

I’m sub-titling this: "Vaughn’s Halloween Blog: The Frankenstrat Gets Even Creepier"!  (Frankenstrat v2.0) My #1 electric is a 1995 Fender ’62 RI, and for the record, it came to me already quite ... well, shall we say "modified"?  When I found it at Nashville Used Music, it had a Seymour Duncan Hot Rails in the Bridge & a Seymour Duncan mini-humbucker in the neck position, a "swimming pool" cavity route, Graphtec string-saver saddles, and a roller nut & accompanying string tree.  After just a year or two, I put a Custom Shop Texas Special Strat pickup...

Our Fearless Leader!

Everybody needs to release a little preasure now & then.  Here, WGS founder & President shows us one potential answer.As David put it:"40 rounds of .50 cal ammo. Everybody should do this once in their life."

Proper Size Speaker spade Lugs: The Definitive Answer!

If, like me, you are ALWAYS swapping speakers around, you have no-doubt grown tired of constantly soldering and re-soldering the connections.  Properly done, a solder connection is an awesome thing, but man, what a pain!  The fumes, the hassle, ugg. Not to mention that most speaker companies will only accept a speaker return if the lugs have not been soldered on. And so it is that I have begun to put lug connectors (female spade disconnects) on all my amps & cabinets that don’t already have them.  There seems to be a bit of confusion on just what size the...

Reaper vs. Reaper 55Hz

If ya haven’t already, be sure to read last weeks blog on the technical details and differences between speaker cone and completed speaker Fs frequencies.  From over the internet I can already hear you all asking: "but what is the actual difference in tone?"  Glad you asked!  I’ll not make you wait, check out this video: email Vaughn     About Vaughn Skow My outside blog recommendation this week is totally off the wall!  Just in case you have not already, please check out the people of Wal-Mart photos.  Do it sometime when you really need a...
