Blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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Blackhawk vs Blackhawk HP – High Power AlNiCo Guitar Speaker Shoot-out!

Holy cow has this one been coming for a LONG TIME!  Truth is, I haven’t had a Blackhawk HP available for a shootout until now.  I’m not gonna waste your time with a bunch of talk; we’ll get right to the shootout video asap.  I will say this, the tone of the HP surprised me a little, as it was a fair bit brighter than the regular Blackhawk, and I usually expect high-power speakers to be somewhat dull.  The HP had more prominent upper-midrange in the 2-3kHz range, whereas the regular Blackhawk had more dominant lower-midrange in the 200-400Hz range.  As far as apparent...

The New Home Entertainment - Free yourself of the Cables that BIND you!

Hi y’all!  This blog harkens back to the early days of this forum … when I pulled out my soapbox and blogged about whatever crossed my mind!  What’s been crossing my mind lately?  Television. How many of you all out there hate your cable TV company?  Yea, that’s what I thought.  Holy crap, has there ever been such a MONOPOLY in American history?  Their service sucks, they keep raising rates, and man … even though you pay hundreds of bucks a month to them … you STILL have to sit through seemingly endless COMMERCIALS in your favorite shows, and receive...

Vaughn Skow Amps – Quest for the Ultimate Speaker

So this week finds me once again looking for YOUR advice!  I’m just now putting the finishing touches on the first “production-run” of ten of my Vaughn Skow amps.  Four of them will be 1x8 combos, and they will, of course, be outfitted with WGS G8C’s … there has NEVER been an 8” speaker that sounds this HUGE, juicy, and NOT BOXEY!  So, that’s an easy decision … but, what about in the 1x12 combos, where I have SO MANY choices? First, it was an easy decision to go with WGS speakers exclusively (except for a possible true vintage speaker on special occasion); no other...

Spring Reverb Pedals – Help a Brother Out!

Hey WGS friends!  This blog finds me needing YOUR help.  I often play Fender Super Reverbs and Vibrolux Amps on gigs … but plan to start using my Bassman, Bandmaster, and my own new combos more (All no-verb amps); and so, I’ve decided I need to add a verb pedal to my board.  Mostly, I just want good spring verb … something close to what I’m used to in my “Holy Grail” Fender’s. So … without wasting any more time, here’s the video.  Ya’ll let me know your thoughts.  Would you all say one might suffice?  Do they all suck?  Do they all ROCK? ...

Digitech Bad Monkey, Ultimate Tube Screamer?

I’ve managed to collect some seriously cork-sniffer level gear over the last few decades, but make no mistake: I am absolutely NOT a gear-snob.  No way.  Not even a little bit.  My philosophy is this: a piece of gear is fully awesome if it does what you need it to, and does it well … regardless of price.  So, using that convention, let’s talk monkey … BAD Monkey!I’m a Tube Screamer guy.  Oh sure, I dig Fuzz tones and straight-up distortion on certain tunes, but it’s the ubiquitous mid-heavy tube tone of the Tube Screamer type pedals that serve as my go-to dirt pedals...

Silvertone 1482, Poor Man’s Deluxe?

Hi gang, and welcome to 2014.  My world has been seriously Silvertone lately.  First, I got to review the “new” vintage reissue Silvertone guitars for Vintage Guitar Magazine, then I wrote a feature story on the history of Silvertone electric guitars, and just last week I had a vintage mid-60s Silvertone model 1482 combo amp on my bench.  Don’t tell the folks at Fender, but I’m kinda turning into just a little bit of a Silvertone guy!  In case you don’t know, the 1482 is rated at 15-watts with a pair of 6V6’s in the output stage, and has kool 60’s shagadelic...

Christmas Past Meets New-Years Sneak-Peek!

Ho Ho Ho from the frozen north land … of WGS.  Okay, that’s corny, but hey, ‘tis the season to be silly … fa la la la, la la la la!  I hope Santa brought all of y’all a bunch of super-cool guitar goodies. As I reflect upon 2013 (wow, we’re already “reflecting” on 2013) I gotta say that, while the year has not been without it’s challenges … it was a banner year for WGS.  We’ve released some new models, which in itself would be no big deal, but oh, what awesome models they are.  The ET90 is a big wow-factor speaker that more than delivers on its promise to take...

The Awesome Fender Supersonic 22 gets Even More Awesome!

Hi speaker friends!  Today I deliver on the promised Supersonic speaker shootout.  First off, I gotta say that this amp probably makes my top-10 list of all time.  It’s an absolutely marvelous little Deluxe Reverb sized grab-n-go amp that will fit many gigging situations with nothing more than a guitar and a cable.  It’s cleans can hang in there with the very best vintage blackface cleans, and it’s gain channel is probably the best you will EVER find in a stock Fender amp.  The spring verb is, once again, second to NONE, and the boost and effects loop switches...

Give Thanks For Cyber Monday!

Hidy-ho fair blog neighbors and a big-ol’ southern Happy Thanksgiving to each and every one of you!  Before going any further, watch this awesome video to put you in the proper mood:  (!  How about that???  Keith Richards sharing a mic with George Harrison!  Like I said … WOW! I pen these words the day after Thanksgiving, and maybe it’s just the Turkey talking, but I’m feeling awfully thankful.  I’m Thankful for my family, thankful for the music that flows through me, and most of all I’m thankful to be...

Fender Hot Rod Deluxe- Epic Speaker Shootout

According to the folks at Fender, the Hot Rod Deluxe (HRDX) is their best-selling amp of all time.  So while there are plenty of folks who diss the amp . . . obviously there are many MORE who like the amp enough to actually buy one! What’s up with that?  Seriously, is it a great tube combo or not?  If not, what can be done to MAKE it great?  A quick Google search returned plenty of “mods” that various folks have tried, with varying success. The average user, however, isn’t going to be qualified to actually whip out a soldering iron and start swapping...
