Vaughn Skow Amps – Quest for the Ultimate Speaker | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Vaughn Skow Amps – Quest for the Ultimate Speaker

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Vaughn Skow Amps – Quest for the Ultimate Speaker

So this week finds me once again looking for YOUR advice!  I’m just now putting the finishing touches on the first “production-run” of ten of my Vaughn Skow amps.  Four of them will be 1x8 combos, and they will, of course, be outfitted with WGS G8C’s … there has NEVER been an 8” speaker that sounds this HUGE, juicy, and NOT BOXEY!  So, that’s an easy decision … but, what about in the 1x12 combos, where I have SO MANY choices?

First, it was an easy decision to go with WGS speakers exclusively (except for a possible true vintage speaker on special occasion); no other company even comes close!  American made speakers with impeccable tone at unbelievable prices!  But which specific models should I offer?

Because of my lengthy and thorough time spent with all the speakers … and in a great number of amps … I was able to narrow the field down to my perennial favorites in 1x12 tube combos.   

First, the Black & Blue, which seems like a perfect fit for a 15-watt combo.  But it’s not, really, because this combo has a lot of filtering and can easily push the B&B out of its comfort zone … so I’ll stick to only offering this in my 10-watt versions.

So, the logical choice is the Blackhawk!  My, oh my how I love this speaker in nearly all applications.  If only AlNiCo material were not so very expensive!  So, for ceramic (ferrite) options…

The ET-90: My new favorite all-around winner in the ceramic category … everything the ET-65 is, but with a little more … for lack of a better word, “balls”.

The G12C/S: This smooth-cone speaker brings out uber-warm smoky twee-tones in spades, but also has a very tight bottom end, and a silky (but somewhat muted) top end.

The Retro 30: A clear winner for having both Fender-ish top-end chime and a VERY solid bottom end!

So, this little video was really just for me … but boy, oh boy would I LOVE to hear you all’s thoughts.  So, please, comment away!  I’ll take it all into consideration, I promise :-)


email Vaughn     About Vaughn Skow

03/02/2014 10:32pm

Not sure if it was the way the amp and speaker cabinets are constructed or the way the sound was mic'd, but the Black & Blue sounded like it was playing through the fog compared to everything else. It wasn't nearly as "free" sounding as its competitors.

Here's how I'd rank 'em:

1. Blackhawk - It's a $230 speaker, it should sound the best, and it did.

2. ET-90 - Best all-around speaker for blues and hard rock. But...see No. 3.

3. G12 C/S - I was pleasantly surprised by this one. I liked it for its bluesy tone with better punch than the Retro 30. If the ET-90 wasn't as good all around and I tended to be more of a blues player, this would be No. 2.

4. Retro 30 - Nice, but not especially dynamic. Didn't make me say "wow" at all. Still sounded better than the Black & Blue, though.

Another good shootout! Thanks for giving a good display of how they all sound.




03/04/2014 11:56am

Hummm ... makes me wonder if it had something to do with the B&B being panned left, and everything else right in your listening environment ... because, the B&B doesn't sound THAT much different than the Blackhawk!

03/25/2014 1:35pm

Well, I just have average ears from lots of LOUD music, but I Liked the Black & Blue, sounded more open to me. I was wondering how much effect the cabs had on the sound, in my experience they can make a big difference.  Second choice is the G12C/S, great balance for that amp. I didn't care for the Blackhawk, sounded muted compared to Black & Blue to me. The Retro 30 was nice, but didn't like it as much as the B&B or the G12C/S. Keep up the good work!