Blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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WGS Blackhawk Alnico Speaker in a Tweed Fender Deluxe Amp

Hey fellow toneaholics!  This week I get back to some long awaited (hopefully) speaker comparison videos.  I’ve been just dying to try a Blackhawk in my ol’ tweed Deluxe; she’s a Hurricane Katrina survivor, and when she found her way to me a few years back, the original speaker was long gone.  The electronics had been completely re-worked to utter perfection by Mike Clark, but the speaker (from a 69 Deluxe Reverb) just wasn’t tripping my trigger.  So, I tried literally dozens of speakers and finally settled on a Modern Fender-branded Alnico model.  It didn’t...

WGS Custom-Shop Speakers Looking Marvelous!

Wow, wow, and wow!  First off, thanks to all of you who chirped in to congratulate the custom speaker winners.  That shows some real class.  I can only imagine that you ALL really hoped to win a free custom speaker, but yet there were almost no cases of sour grapes, just gracious congratulations all around.  That’s awesome.  Okay, so, this blog was going to highlight the results of a speaker shootout I just did with my ’59 tweed Deluxe; which left me saying "wow" ... but ... then I received pics from Dean of the first "WGS Custom Shop" speakers as they near...

WGS Awards Free Custom Guitar Speakers!

I’ll state the obvious once again: WGS customers are a cut above the rest; my latest contest proves this in spades!  In my blog four weeks ago, I asked you all to design your custom dream-speaker and then explain why you chose the components you did.  Of the 150 or so entries, almost all were truly stellar. Wow, you all know your stuff; given your styles and tone objectives, you all made some great choices, backed up by sound reasoning.  It was insanely difficult for Dean, WGS production manager, to pick just one that stood out head-and-shoulders above the rest.  And...

Meet Jenna, one Super Sexy Custom Strat

I just celebrated a birthday; and I bought myself a present ... a Strat like none other.  This beauty, Jenna, was custom crafted by Bobby Clark of BC Customs.  She’s not just a looker, either; she’s most definitely a player!  So, let me tell you all about this new gal of mine.  Her classily curvaceous body is made of Swamp Ash with a stunning quilted maple top, which gives her a very pleasant, resonant natural acoustic voice.  The Neck began its life as a 50’s "road-worn" that was scraped, sanded, and finished in nitrocellulose; the result is a neck that...

WGS Folks: as Cool as WGS Speakers

Ya’ll are awesome!  I have came to that conclusion after reading the entries from my current speaker give-away contest and checking out the latest posts on the Q&A forum.  I’m sure you have noticed that often on guitar related forums many of the posts sound like they were written by a totally ignorant 12 year old; complete with a bunch of choice swear words just to drive home the point.  However, you, the WGS folks are different!  It is said that good people attract good people; I think this is the case with WGS.  As far as the contest entries go ......

Win a FREE "Custom-Shop" WGS Speaker!

***NOTE: THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED! SEE WINNERS HERE ***__________________________________________________________________Hi-diddly-ho fair neighbors!  I pen this blog from my back porch on a perfect 70-degree spring day; the sun is shining, the birds are singing like mad, and my dog Sasha is asleep at my feet without a care in the world.  What could be better?  How about a free WGS speaker ... and not just any WGS speaker, but one that is custom designed by YOU to your exact specs?  Okay, go ahead, pinch yourself.  Did you feel it?  You’re not dreaming; this...

About Magnetic Attraction speakers...

Happy Valentines day ya’all!  A perfect time to discuss magnetic attraction.  Surly you all know that magnetic forces are what actually enable a speaker to "speak".  In a nut shell, a variable electro-magnet (the voice-coil) operates in a permanent magnetic field (provided by the magnet you see on the back of the speaker). At this point I feel it is only fair to warn you that the relationship between the voice-coil and the permanent magnet is a tumultuous one.  For as you know, magnets not only have the power to attract one another, they can also repel; the varying...

The Dope on Speaker Dope!

If you are reading this blog, you have an affinity for speakers and tone that surpasses that of the casual guitarist.  You have no doubt encountered the term "doping" when researching speakers.  Some believe that doping creates monster speakers the way it creates monster Baseball all-stars.  This is one of those oft misunderstood areas which can approach smoke & mirror status.  So, let’s carefully enter the murky waters of speaker doping.  Put on your hip waders and READ ON! Right off the bat, let’s dispel some common myths and misunderstandings. ...

Yes, You CAN ! (Don't Let Anyone Tell You Otherwise)

Hello fellow lovers of superior sounds!  My blog today has left the tracks and is headed down a dirt road ... so LOOK OUT!  Last month I had the pleasure of doing a show with one of the finest singers I’ve ever worked with, Melinda Doolittle.  Dear God in heaven, how that girl can sing; I have goose bumps as I write this ... just remembering her performance on that evening in December.  For those of you unfamiliar with Doolittle, she’s the long-time American Idol background singer who came out of the background in 2009 to be a contestant; she almost won the thing...

The Making Of A (Tone) Star:

A few weeks back, I received an email from a WGS fan asking if I could do a video on just how the WGS speakers are made.  First the bad news: The short answer is no.  WGS uses a few very distinctive and proprietary techniques, and as much as they would love to go bragging to the world, some competitors might just seize the opportunity to do a little unauthorized "borrowing".  Now the good news: There IS a bunch I can disclose!  So, read on! Okay, so ... where to begin?  I guess I’ll begin where speakers begin, raw metal.  WGS does, of course have a...
