Blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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Wood Wars (This Is Totally Whacked)

The big story in this week’s Tennessean Sunday Paper (Sept 4, 2011) was on Nashville Based Gibson Guitars.  The story wasn’t about how wonderful it was to have one of the world’s premier guitar builders in Nashville.  In fact, it wasn’t about the guitars at all; it was about the wood they are made from.  It seems the Fish and Game department has just raided the Gibson plant for the second time, once again confiscating guitars, files, computers, and yes, wood.  When it comes to guitars and the wood they are made from, Big Brother is indeed watching.  What do...

We Have A Winner! PLUS: Next Free T-shirt Contest Begins NOW!! ***THIS CONTEST IS NOW OVER***

  ***This contest has ended!  Se the latest contest to enter again!***Here is our winner from last week:"Fri, 2011-09-02 16:29 — at9799 me me me I'm already gearing up to get my wife to pose in the t-shirt, just the t-shirt.  Plus, I can silence her when she says "why do you enter those things? Nobody ever wins..."------------------------------------------------------------------Okay, so, my wife picked your wife ... go figure!  Now, just email me ( your complete address and we'll get the shirt out asap.  The really great news, not only did you...

Happy Labor Day!

Hope you all are enjoying a day of rest today!  Here in the Tennessee/Kentucky area, we are receiving some very badly needed rain :).  A heads-up that the current T-Shirt contest ends TONIGHT, Monday September 5th, at 12:00 midnight.  The winner will be chosen by a random-number generator (my wife will be asked to pick a number) and announced tomorrow morning, and then ... tomorrow will begin a brand-new contest.  How totally awesome is that?  Okay, now I think I'm gonna find me a nice comfy spot on the couch and do a little labor-day napping while the rain beats...

FREE WGS STUFF - All Month on This Blog!

***This contest has ended!  Se the latest contest to enter again!***Hey ya’all.  I am totally jazzed!  I just got the green-light to make the month of September a big give-away month on thisa here lil ol blog.  I’m gonna start with our totally cool new t-shirts.  I’ll be giving away one THIS WEEK, and each week for the next three weeks.  Then, in the last week of September, one of our t-shirt winners will have the honor of also receiving one of our new speaker models ... totally free ... our gift!  Wanta know how to get the free stuff?  Then READ ON...

Holy Mega-Amps Batman - This is way Crazy!

Soooo, where to begin??? This lil old Nashville Amp Show is only in its third year, and, well ... jeez, it was huge.  It took the entire Brentwood Hyatt Place Hotel to house it.  Amps, Guitars, gear, and freakishly cool people were literally crawling all over the place.  Six floors of rooms full of cranked amps.  Some people’s nightmare, to be sure, but a dream for the average tone junkie.  First, a pic of three of WGS’s finest (in the WGS room of course).  Then, we’ll dig in a little deeper. There was a plethora of guitar paraphernalia present, but I was there...

WGS at the Nashville Amp Expo!

Hey - just a quick heads-up ... WGS will be at the Nashville Amp Expo this weekend.  It'll be a great oportunity to see the pretty WGS gals (speakers), and meet the ugly WGS guys (us employees). Ya all come - for show info, click the banner above, or go to:  I'll post details of cool amps I saw at the show in next week's blog!  See ya at the show.

Burriss Royal Bluesman Part Two: Live & In-Person!

Howdy once again!  Last week we began our exploration of the tonal landscape of the Burriss Royal Bluesman.  This week we get right down to the nitty-gritty, letting the little blue gal purr through almost every 12-inch model in the WGS line.  If you’re lookin’ for my comments you’ll find them after this here video, enjoy: Okay, now for the whole story: All of us present were blown away by the fact that the Royal Bluesman sounded flat-out fantastic through each and every speaker we tried it through, something none of us had ever experienced before. ...

Burriss Amps Royal Bluesman

Howdy folks!  It’s time to shine the spotlight on another Amp Builder with the wisdom to choose WGS speakers.  This week I’m featuring Bob Burriss and the Burriss amp line.  In Bob’s case "wisdom" is an understatement; the guy’s a freaking genius, he can smell good tone.  I get the feeling he’s like Ken Fischer without the baggage.  Only time will tell if Bob’s amps will one day demand the respect of Ken’s Trainwrecks.  Personally, I wouldn’t be surprised.  Why?  Well, READ ON! I met Bob and toured the Burriss facility in Lexington Kentucky...

Woo-Hoo Version Two - More fun with the new Invader and Liberator!

First off, thanks to all of you who sent me messages of support over the loss of my beloved old doggie pal Rosie.  It helps.  Now, get ready for "Woo-Hoo", version two!  For these 2x12 video samples, we once again get to listen to the cool raw rock licks of Brad Sample of Run With Bulls.  After we did our 1x12 comparison videos, we realized that we could just hit that lil ol switch on the back of my Marshall Artist to 4-ohm, and run both of the twelve’s together ... and so we did!  Oh, by the way, my personal take on the new models: The Invader is an absolute...

Rosie 1995-2011

Folks, I was planning a video blog on 2x12 combinations with the new Invader and Liberator models for this week.  I promise that will be posted soon ... it’s already "in the can", so to speak.  But today I write with a heavy heart.  My best pal of the last 16 or so years, Rosie, is gone.  As much as I love speakers, guitar tone, and all that jazz, my poor little heart just ain’t in it right now; I miss Rosie too much.  She was a really good dog, and a great friend.  Humor me if you will and read on as I tell Rosie’s story. I found Rosie in a busy...
