Why Play Guitar? | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Why Play Guitar?

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Why Play Guitar?

Guitar Players Get the Girls

Ladies, I apologize in advance: this blog is going to be written from a distinctly male perspective!  I’m taking the week off from my relentless pursuit of tone and speaker dissection to have a little fun.  Next week we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled programming; but for now, let’s kick back and have a little fun.  Ya ready?

Okay guys, when it comes right down to it, why did you start playing guitar?  Be honest, to get chicks!  Right?  Dude, when I was 13, I was like human girl repellant.  I was barely over five feet tall, and was absolutely terrible at any and all sports.  If my future was to include a girlfriend, I needed to do SOMETHING quick.  Short Story: I got a guitar and amp, started a band with some kids from one town over (who didn’t know what a dweeb I was), did a few gigs, and ... vola!  Vaughn the dweeb was put to rest, and Vaughn the guitar player was born.  Sprinkle a little guitar pixie-dust over most any guy and the girls come running. My girlfriend problem was solved.  I’ve been playing outta my league ever since.  It’s proof you want?  I present exhibit A: my beautiful wife of many years.

Vaughn & Kim

Kim coulda had any guy, but she didn’t want just ANY guy, she wanted me ... a GUITAR PLAYER!

Having trouble with the ladies?  It’s never too late to assert your awesome guitarness.  Here are some pointers:  Always have a pocket full of picks, so when the ladies can’t actually see you with a guitar, you can casually pull one out when reaching for your keys.  Wear guitar related clothing & jewelry ... not the tourist/fan crap ... the good stuff: like t-shirts put out by manufacturers.  What gal can resist a guy in a U.S.A. Gibson shirt?  None that I’ve met.

Oh, and when you actually are on stage, cop a pose like my buddy Brian Downing & you’ll have to hire a body guard to keep the groupies at bay!

Brian Downing

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How Guitars Work

See ya next week!  -Vaughn-