Peace, Love, & Unicorns | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

Peace, Love, & Unicorns

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Peace, Love, & Unicorns

Yesterday I walked into the luxurious WGS command center and found Daniel, resident guitar maharishi, drawing what can only be described as one seriously kick-ass Unicorn on a WGS shipping box.  

 As it turns out, a patron had included a request for a Unicorn to be added to their speaker order.  For any other speaker company this would be an impossible request, but not for WGS!  This proves what we all already know; WGS isn’t your typical company.  Some folks may wonder why WGS speakers consistently sound better than the other brands; well, here is your answer: WGS in no way, shape, or form resembles any other company currently manufacturing speakers.  If ya don’t believe me, just request a Unicorn from one of those other companies ...

For now my friends, I wish you peace, love and Unicorns.

email vaughn     About Vaughn Skow

02/25/2012 10:47am

I could not create my own speaker personally. That being said I am very hard to please. I have always been looking for a speaker that does what I want. Most people these days like a speaker to break up all the time. NOt me I like my speaker to be clean. That way I can have a good clean country jazz tone at a higher volume without breaking up. I usually use pedals for the overdrive tones. Trying to have my cake and eat it too. I use a Mesa F-50 amp usually miked but not always. I keep going back to the old jbl i robbed out of my old twin reverb. It seems to work best for what I like. Would love to find a lighter speaker that would do the same job. I have been following you guys for some time. I heard about you guys through Brian Wampler. Thanks so much for the great articles. So I ask you, could you make me a speaker?