ET10 vs G10C in a 4x10" (Super Reverb) | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

ET10 vs G10C in a 4x10" (Super Reverb)

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08/08/2017 7:00pm

Hey y'all.

Was wondering if anyone had tried the ET10 in a 4x10 setup. In my case, it's going in my 68 Super Reverb. Now yes I know, stock SR speakers are usually closer to 25W, but I like my Super to be a big, tight, clean amp that I push with pedals.

I've had 100W Jensen Neo 10s in there for almost 10 years, mostly because I was too lazy and poor to change them. I liked them ok, and they never blew, but I really grew tired of the high, fizzy frequencies. It might not be the speakers, it might be my amp that is on the bright side, but it felt like they were letting unwanted frequencies out, to my ears. That neo speaker model is actually discontinued now.

Anyway, just got my two first ET10s and it's an amazing upgrade. Really warm, punchy and tight, and looking forward to breaking them in. Put the pair on top of the two remaining Jensen Neos, since they're 100Ws. Can't wait to be able to crank it up !

Now, my dilemma is if I should continue with the 4xET10 plan, or rather order two G10Cs. I love Matt Schofield's tone and I recently read that he was playing with 4 speakers a bit similar (unless I'm wrong) to the G10Cs... Also, I'm not sure what it means, but the resonant frequency of the G10C is much lower than the ET10, is that a problem?

Thanks for any advice !

08/10/2017 11:15am

First ... Neo's for 10-years? Do you mean Alnico's (ie: P10R)? Second, I hear ya on the " big, tight, clean amp that I push with pedals" ... that's where a lot of folks are these days. For that, there is no finer speaker in the world than the G10C. Period! They are HUGE, loud, ballsy, sweet ...

There have been TONS of threads on the SR ... start here:

08/10/2017 12:29pm

Thanks for the tip ! I think I'll get the G10C to complete. With the ET10s on top and the G10Cs on bottom, it should sound pretty badass. Or maybe I should put them in X pattern. I don't understand what is resonant frequency however. Is it bad that G10C is 79.61 Hz vs ET10: 113.32 Hz ?

I was talking about those discontinued 100W Neo 10s.

08/10/2017 12:29pm

Thanks for the tip ! I think I'll get the G10C to complete. With the ET10s on top and the G10Cs on bottom, it should sound pretty badass. Or maybe I should put them in X pattern. I don't understand what is resonant frequency however. Is it bad that G10C is 79.61 Hz vs ET10: 113.32 Hz ?

I was talking about those discontinued 100W Neo 10s.

08/10/2017 11:29pm

*** By bad, I meant if it's bad to combine them.