please suggest a 10 inch speaker for my marshall master 12 combo | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

please suggest a 10 inch speaker for my marshall master 12 combo

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07/21/2015 1:55pm

My speaker crapped out and i need to replace it..the original was ok but kind of raspy loud so any recommendations/ thank you

07/21/2015 6:24pm

Easy!  The ET10.  No doubt.

07/25/2015 7:15am

I'm running 2 Retro 10, in 1x10" Marshall birch cabs.

I use a Marshall JMP1H, JCM1H, Lead 12, and Egnater Tweaker 15 heads through them.

They sound sublime. Though, I am going to be purchasing an ET10, to mix it up.

07/26/2015 7:44am

What cabs??  I just had a pair of the little micro-stack 1x10 cabs given to me ... and I'm trying to decide what to do with them...

07/31/2015 10:27am

Mine is a 3005 head, with matching cabs. If I remember correctly, I dated it back to '87. So mine was still being made in England and they were still making Birch cabs, for the little brother. The later models are press board.


However, I made one big change to my cabs, the same time I put in the Retro 10. I bought a real nice piece of Baltic Birch and made my own backing boards, because they were always made of press board. It really tightens everything up. The muddy, washed out sound of the old Celestions (crappy G10-25), were replaced by the tight and freaking loud, WGS. Once the Retros broke in, they have a wicked chug to them for a 10", at volume.


I actually was coming here to ask you. I just recently picked up an old stock Mesa Boogie mini Recto 1x12 cab, have a V30 in it. I know the biggest tonal difference is the 10" vs 12". The bigger speaker sounds, feels more alive, it's pushing more air. The cab design/make is vastly different. But, I think the 1x10 Marshall cabs are kind of choking the Retro at lower volumes. My mids are wiped out at low volume. Now, turn them up, they open up. But, I know those cabs (and the addition of the upgrade backing boards), are guilty for the low volume choke.


If you have a set of the cabs, they're birch, I'd hang onto them, keep them nice. You'll be able to move them, if you want. Particle/press board, don't waste time. And get busy finding the best match for the Retro, or two different speakers. My advice, start with the bright, Fender tone speakers... then move towards the Brit. I'd be interested in what you find, works. My own situation, I know it's another Brit speaker, but before I bought the Mesa... I wondered how the ET10 would sound paired with the Retro?


Always love your videos and look forward to your input.