Hello! I'm currently using vintage 30's in the cab, but they're soooo ice picky. Not that noticeable in a band mix, but definitely super noticeable on it's own. I play mostly pretty aggressive and loud music, ie punk. No jazz or light rock. Mainly just use an overdrive pedal to add some dirt.
I think I like the retro 30 the most out of all your speakers from the videos. But I am somewhat interested to see what your thoughts are on mixing retro 30's with reapers (normal or hd).
Would a normal reaper hold up matching with 60 watt retro 30, with a 120-150 watt head?
Or would the hd's be the way to go?
Or would it be better to mix the vets with the retros?
The Reaper/Retro 30 pairing is very, very good ... so I'd say go for it, but definitely make the Reapers HP!