I have a Egnater Renagade 65 and am running it through a older Carvin cabinet that has the "British Series" Speakers.
(BR-12, 100 watt, 8 ohm) Evidently they are the "good" one's. I love the head as the clean is Fendery and the OD
channel is very Marshally. The BR-12 has a fuzzyness around the note's that is anoying and it seems a bit flat and
the tone seems to lacking something. I play Classic/Hard rock/80-90's metal and blue's. The cabinet is a strait front
and demensions appear to be same as a 1960B. Look's to be well constructed. It does have some type of acoustic
insulation.(is stock but an thinking of removing) WGS recomended Vet 30/ET65 but after reading blog, I'm thinking
Retro 30/ET65 or all green beret's or reaper's. Any idea's? Thanks for the help.
"What speakers to put in my 4x12" is probably the most posted (and answered) question on this forum. Do a search (using the "search WGS") button on the upper left of every page, and you should find your answer in spades. If not, post back!