Blog | Warehouse Guitar Speakers


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Capitalism and Market Economics

Amp designer and manufacturer Bob Burriss and me.For more than a few weeks now, I’ve kept this blog pretty much on the topic of speakers and guitar tone.  I warned ya all that every now and then I’d be off on a wild tangent, and I think I’m overdue.  Let’s talk about American vs. World manufacturing, and just so as we don’t stray too terribly far, we’ll keep it in the arena of guitar and amp manufacturing.  This will be kinda like a David and Goliath story; pitting a huge multi-national company against an American micro-manufacturer (what we in the guitar biz like to...

Make Your Reissue ROCK!

Hi everybody!  Several of last week’s testimonials were by folks who had purchased modern reproductions of classic amps.  As folks warm-up to the sound of vintage tube amps (sorry, couldn’t help the pun), both Fender and Vox have re-issued some of their most sought after models.  As long as we don’t get into a big discussion on point-to-point hand wiring and stuff like that, I think we can all agree that the modern repros are some pretty decent amps.  The weak link, as is usually the case these days, is that they cut corners on the speakers included with the amps....

Latest "FREE SPEAKER" Contest Over! We have chosen "The Ultimate Story"!

Wow!  We WGS users really are a bunch of certified tone freaks, and I’ve got the stories to prove it!  Deciding on a winner for the "best WGS story" was really tough, but there was one that stood out above the others.  It proved that we, the WGS bunch, think outside the box and come up with tone solutions that are, in most cases, way better than some lame "off the shelf" combo amp.  Plus, this guy sent some great pictures, and we all know that a picture says a thousand toneful words.  So, straight from gorgeous, but often chilly Sweden (the home of my distant...

FREE SPEAKER GIVEAWAY - UPDATE!!! One week till we give away another WGS speaker!

*** UPDATE *** We have chosen a winner - THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED!Hi everybody! Check out my "Free speaker" blog from last week.  Our best contest yet!!  I am amending the entry rules to include EVERYONE! Those of you who have no WGS testimonial, because you do noy yet have a WGS speaker, just enter the contest anyway, and tell me why YOU should be the winner.  Tell me about the amp you want to upgrade and maybe even make a prediction of how much it will improve your life ... ah, I mean tone.  Just send me an email at with MY TESTAMONIAL DUDE! as...

Like my buddy Lee Greenwood, I'm Proud to be an American!

Call me an idiot ... go ahead, everybody does, I can take it.  Or, maybe just maybe I’m a dad gum optimist that still believes in the future of the American Dream.  The missus and I just bought a new house, and we haven’t even officially put the old one on the market yet, either.  So, you see, we really are crazy!  We’ve entered the dangerous territory of officially owning two houses; by my count that’s one too many (anyone want a nice house with a studio in the Nashville area?  I can hook ya up).  The old place has a full-fledged commercial recording...

FREE WGS SPEAKER in honor of International Peace Day!

*** THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED! ***Okay my friends; here we go again, another speaker giveaway!!!  This time, in honor of International Peace Day, we are allowing you to choose a speaker from either our British or our awesome American line!  PAY ATTENTION!  Here is how this contest is going to work:  Email me your best WGS story - a testimonial to how adding a WGS speaker has improved your tone or even your life in general (it’s been rumored that sex lives improve after the addition of a WGS speaker to the household).  I wanta know details here, what was the amp...

The Long Awaited Fender Concert II Speaker shoot-out!

Hi everybody,  a couple of weeks back someone emailed me asking about speaker choices for their Rivera era Fender Concert II.  I promised I would do a fairly extensive speaker shoot-out for them.  Well, it took me a little while, but I’ve made good on that promise.  A couple of apologies up front:  1. I just went with the mic built into my little flip web-cam - so the audio is not great, sorry!  I had grand plans of miking it up in ProTools properly, but just couldn’t make that much time available.  2. Because of youtube’s time limit policy...

Peace, Love, and the FrankenStrat

My main axe garners a lot of questions and double-takes.  I’ve begun referring to it as my FrankenStrat.  I’ve been inflicted with the need to hot rod guitars since before I could grow hair under my armpits.  My first guitar surgery was done in my middle-school days. Armed with a rusty old screw driver, a hammer, a kitchen knife, and a two dollar Radio Shack soldering Iron, I proceeded to install Dimarzio Super Distortion pickups (complete with phase reverse switches) in me and my buddy David Ellefson’s cheapo Hondo strat-style guitars.  Some of you may know of...

Happy Labor Day!

  This Labor Day finds me in a reminiscing mood.  I grew up on a family farm perched on the Minnesota-Iowa border.  I’m talking about a real working farm with cattle, hogs, and acres and acres of corn and soybeans.  As a kid, I was kind of a screw-ball musician type, but my dad saved me from a demise of my own making.  You see, he impressed upon me a serious old-world work ethic.  Later in life, I came to realize what a valuable gift he had given me.  His generation of Americans, like those before him, were workers.  If you look around you,...

Ya All are Too Cool!

WGS customers are a very cool bunch, and you have some seriously cool and extremely varied taste in amps, too!  Since we launched this new website, and of course this exceedingly exquisite blog, we have received a few really great questions concerning speaker choices.   We really care about you, and we always endeavor to provide the guidance you need as you maneuver down the path of your individual tone quest.  Some of the questions are so darn good that it would be a shame not to share them, in hopes that others of you out there will benefit from being included in...
