FREE SPEAKER GIVEAWAY - UPDATE!!! One week till we give away another WGS speaker! | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

FREE SPEAKER GIVEAWAY - UPDATE!!! One week till we give away another WGS speaker!

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FREE SPEAKER GIVEAWAY - UPDATE!!! One week till we give away another WGS speaker!

*** UPDATE *** We have chosen a winner - THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED!

Hi everybody!

Check out my "Free speaker" blog from last week.  Our best contest yet!!  I am amending the entry rules to include EVERYONE! Those of you who have no WGS testimonial, because you do noy yet have a WGS speaker, just enter the contest anyway, and tell me why YOU should be the winner.  Tell me about the amp you want to upgrade and maybe even make a prediction of how much it will improve your life ... ah, I mean tone.  Just send me an email at Vaughn@wgs4.comwith MY TESTAMONIAL DUDE! as the subject.  If possible, include a photo of you or your rig too.  On Monday, the 4th of October a winner will be chosen.  Read on for all the pesky little details.

Pick your choice of one of the eight following speaker models:

From the British Side: a Reaper, HM75, Veteran 30, or Green Beret.

Or from the American Side: a G8C, G10C, G12C, or G15C


Please indicate the following in your email:

  • Ø Your choice of speaker
  • Ø The desired impedance
  • Ø Your mailing address


No purchase necessary.

WGS employees and their family are not eligible.

Previous contest winners are not eligible.

Only one entry per person, household, or email address.

On Monday, the 4th of October, a winner will be chosen, regardless of the number of responses.  Odds will vary depending on entries, but are expected to be no more than 100:1 - so your odds are very good!

By entering the contest, you agree to have your name and/or picture shown on the WG