We have a new T-Shirt Winner ***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED*** | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

We have a new T-Shirt Winner ***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED***

We have a new T-Shirt Winner ***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED***

***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED!***  See winner info here.

Here is this weeks winning entry:


Righteous pictures for your righteous t-shirt.

If its righteous pictures your after my wife and I are professional photographers... just sayin. www.kavodphotography.com (not a shameless plug, just to corroborate my story.)  Apart from that I'm already spreading the good news about WGS speakers out here in the Pacific Northwest and to to help me in that pursuit: a t-shirt is an aweful good conversation starter, but then again so is the delicious 12inch + 10inch cab I am building for my vintage fender, fully WGS equipped of course.  One last comment, I hope it doesn't sound too much like begging: Help me, help you.


The really great news, not only did you pick up a free shirt, you now stand a one-in-three chance of winning the free speaker, too! My next contest begins now - everybody else, you're welcome to try again!  Read more for the details -Vaughn-

This weeks contest is JUST LIKE LAST WEEKS!  Remember, also that in the last week of September, one of our three weekly t-shirt winners will have the honor of also receiving one of our new speaker models ... totally free ... our gift!

So, here is the deal:  We are excited about our new stuff, and we want that excitement to become downright contagious!  To be entered to win a new WGS shirt, just post a comment to this blog saying you would like to be entered.  Then check back next week to see if you won.  How simple is that?  If you don’t win this week, I’ll be doing it again next week.

Now, here is where it gets really good:  After we send you your totally awesome, and totally free WGS shirt, go out and take some pictures of yourself in it, or your wife/girlfriend, maybe even your dog.  Maybe have your picture taken in front of a landmark while wearing the shirt, holy cow; maybe have your pic taken with someone famous while wearing the shirt.  Hey, a professional super-model wearing the shirt and little else would be fun. The idea is this: send us some totally radical, awesome pic that includes your new WGS shirt (send as many as you like).  Email your pics to me at Vaughn@wgs4.com. Maybe get your pic on television or a website ... impress us, and by all means, have fun with it!

At the end of September, we will choose the coolest pic to receive one of our new uber-cool Liberator or Invader speakers (your choice).

To get started, simply add your reply/comment to this blog.  You’re odds are pretty darn good (Last week there were about 20 entries)!  Oh, and by entering, you agree that we can use your super-cool pictures on this website. 

That’s about it!  Enter away gang!  This is the last week.

09/16/2011 10:31pm

i would like to be entered


this is cool!

09/16/2011 11:25pm

Hi Vaughn. Just visiting your website for the umpteenth time trying to decide which WGS speaker to put in my Blues Jr.  First heard about you through Wampler's website where he said he liked your speaker in his modded version of a Blues Jr.  Thanks for making great, reasonably priced speakers! Tom

09/17/2011 1:45am

I mean, WGS speakers ought to be represented in Sin City, right?

So enter me in this contest and send me a T-Shirt. You'll see it on Fremont Street, with showgirls, with Oscar Goodman, and maybe even with the Killers (or at least Floyd Mayweather Jr.)

Ok.. so at least with showgirls, but that's not so bad, right?



09/17/2011 4:40am

Keep on making the cones with the tones, WGS!

09/17/2011 7:25am

Love to get a T. Going to be purchasing some speakers from you guys soon to check out... would be great ordering them in one of your new Tshirts... otherwise, would be doing it naked!



09/17/2011 11:25am

Things are tight what with todays economic situation. A new WGS Tee would help stimulate the economy. It would let me keep more of my hard earned gig money in my pocket and in turn allow me to spend it on your superior American made speakers. Not to mention the millions in advertising revenue it would generate for WGS. Which in turn would save or create more American jobs. Giving Me a free T is just good business sense.


09/17/2011 12:58pm

All attempts that I've made to fashionably wear your products in the past have failed. My coconut-style Veteran 30 bikini top is rather unbecoming on a man of my size, and I've been told that my 10" veteran cod piece is, at best, of questionable taste. Wearing this t-shirt to work (rather than my own concoctions) should help keep me out of our human resources office... Theoretically.

09/17/2011 1:06pm

please enter me!

09/17/2011 1:53pm

I'm out of work right now, and I've lost out on a lot of job competitions since I wore out my last t-shirt. Seems like around here, it's no shirt, no shoes, no interview.

Sending me a size XXL shirt would make me your friend for life, and get the neighbours off my back. Plus, the awesome design would draw attention away from my ugly mug, improving my job prospects!

09/17/2011 2:50pm

Well, at least with the stars embedded in the Hollywood Walk Of Fame - or maybe I can manage to get a picture of me with the Hollywood sign in the background. Anyway, send me a t-shirt and you'll be seen in all the right places!

09/17/2011 4:45pm

I want one of those shirts!!! Enter me in the contest please!!!

09/17/2011 5:27pm

Beam me up Johnny! -kevin

09/17/2011 9:52pm

i want in ! i'll wear it everywhere!   \m/

09/18/2011 6:28am

I'd sure like one of your tres chic t-shirts that I could wear to my gigs at such exciting venues as Sean's Bar-B-Q (Decatur, Texas), the Avon/Pullman Community Center (DeQueen, Arkansas), Calico Jack's Cantina (Glendale, Arizona), the MayFest (Ft. Worth, Texas - been performing at that one for 32 years!), etc.

I've been a very good boy and have prayed every night that Cthulhu would bless you for annointing me w/ both a WGS t-shirt and a totally rad 10" (or 12") speaker to replace/upgrade the stock one in my 40-watt Peavey Red Line Transtube Envoy 110, thus sending the tone of my customised Telecasters out to spread the Good News of Cthulhu's Blessings and Hope for the world (as we know it)...

He's greatly misunderstood, actually...Remember, Cthulhu for President, why vote for the lesser of two evils?

deni flores
09/18/2011 9:26am

Getiing your shirt is fun. What more fun for a WGS speaker for my cabinet speaker project. A dynamic duo!

09/18/2011 6:12pm

Oh, pick me, me, me... I want to be entered in the t-shirt contest. I love t-shirts! I love them so much I eat them for breakfast! Not really, but I do want to be entered. Thanks!

09/18/2011 9:13pm

Well well, I didn't want to say before, but I work part time at a local music shop so... think of all the git pickers I can demo a fine WGS speaker for... while wearing your great looking t-shirt! Please just say yes...! Peace. 

09/18/2011 9:49pm

Sign me up.   So glad to see a good USA speaker maker.  Still trying to figure out were to start for my first purchase.

09/19/2011 7:13am

I just recieved my order for a pair of Retro 30's 75 watt Speakers. I ripped out the old tired Celestions G1275's and put yours in. I am blown away by the sound improvement. I love these speakers! I would be happy to have one of your t-shirts and I will be looking forward to using more of your speakers in all of my cabinets.

You guys ROCK!

Darin L. Scott

Tube Tone Innovations

09/19/2011 9:09am

I am in again!

09/19/2011 9:21am

count me in!

09/19/2011 10:32am

I would love to have this T-Shirt and to win the speaker for my Bogner Alchemist! I think they would sound sweet together!!!

09/19/2011 10:53am

I would love one of those t-shirts.  

09/19/2011 1:23pm

I would love nothing more than win a WGS shirt and wear it every day forever until it disintegrates and falls off my back.

09/19/2011 2:56pm

I WANNA T-SHIRT!!! Love your speakers, I have an ET65 and Veteran 30 -

09/19/2011 6:33pm

I'd LOVE a large tee shirt - Do you have anyone else that could display the WGS banner above 6600 feet?!

09/19/2011 7:10pm

What a great looking T-Shirt.  I'm guessing with a sweet looking T-shirt like that, my playing would improve.  At least I'd LOOK like it would be better.  So, please enter me to win that wickedly awesome WGS T-shirt.

Many thanks

09/20/2011 9:12am

***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED!***  See winner info here.
