We have a new T-Shirt Winner ***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED*** | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

We have a new T-Shirt Winner ***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED***

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We have a new T-Shirt Winner ***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED***

***THIS CONTEST HAS ENDED!***  See winner info here.

Here is this weeks winning entry:


Righteous pictures for your righteous t-shirt.

If its righteous pictures your after my wife and I are professional photographers... just sayin. www.kavodphotography.com (not a shameless plug, just to corroborate my story.)  Apart from that I'm already spreading the good news about WGS speakers out here in the Pacific Northwest and to to help me in that pursuit: a t-shirt is an aweful good conversation starter, but then again so is the delicious 12inch + 10inch cab I am building for my vintage fender, fully WGS equipped of course.  One last comment, I hope it doesn't sound too much like begging: Help me, help you.


The really great news, not only did you pick up a free shirt, you now stand a one-in-three chance of winning the free speaker, too! My next contest begins now - everybody else, you're welcome to try again!  Read more for the details -Vaughn-

This weeks contest is JUST LIKE LAST WEEKS!  Remember, also that in the last week of September, one of our three weekly t-shirt winners will have the honor of also receiving one of our new speaker models ... totally free ... our gift!

So, here is the deal:  We are excited about our new stuff, and we want that excitement to become downright contagious!  To be entered to win a new WGS shirt, just post a comment to this blog saying you would like to be entered.  Then check back next week to see if you won.  How simple is that?  If you don’t win this week, I’ll be doing it again next week.

Now, here is where it gets really good:  After we send you your totally awesome, and totally free WGS shirt, go out and take some pictures of yourself in it, or your wife/girlfriend, maybe even your dog.  Maybe have your picture taken in front of a landmark while wearing the shirt, holy cow; maybe have your pic taken with someone famous while wearing the shirt.  Hey, a professional super-model wearing the shirt and little else would be fun. The idea is this: send us some totally radical, awesome pic that includes your new WGS shirt (send as many as you like).  Email your pics to me at Vaughn@wgs4.com. Maybe get your pic on television or a website ... impress us, and by all means, have fun with it!

At the end of September, we will choose the coolest pic to receive one of our new uber-cool Liberator or Invader speakers (your choice).

To get started, simply add your reply/comment to this blog.  You’re odds are pretty darn good (Last week there were about 20 entries)!  Oh, and by entering, you agree that we can use your super-cool pictures on this website. 

That’s about it!  Enter away gang!  This is the last week.

09/13/2011 5:13pm

Cant wait to play my 07 sg3 made of the most beutiful mahogany from the great gibson corp whilst wearing my WGS t-shirt.(yes i live in hope...its a great way to be).


09/16/2011 6:29pm

I'm awaiting arrival of my new SG Standard - I was thinking of getting one anyway, but the recent persecution/raid of Gibson prompted me to act now to show support for the iconic American manufacturer.  A new WGS speaker will bring out the best in the new guitar, and winning the T shirt is the first step to winning a speaker. 

09/13/2011 5:48pm

from the last contest ... before I posted that it was over ...

WGS Shirt Contest

Sign me up. I don't live far from Sweetwater, one of the largest musical instrument retailers in the country. It should be a cool place to walk in wearing one of your new t-shirts. Or, even better show them how much better one of your speakers sounds than the original.

09/13/2011 11:12pm

Please enter me again this week's contest! I'm hanging around shirtless with a camera! Send it to blue boy cause I'm still holding my breath waiting to win from the last Two contests! LOL!

09/16/2011 3:48am

Please enter me to win this t-shirt. My wife wants my old shirt retired pronto. This looks as if this is the last chance I can get a free WGS promoting T-shirt this month. Please help me make my wife a happy camper.

09/16/2011 11:32am

My clothes drying machine exploded, lighting my shirts and jeans, which were inside drying, on fire. The flames were so hot that they ruined my whole laundry room. My clothes are all now just ashes (oh how I miss them!) I don't know what I'll do if I don't win th i sshirt. I only have the clothes on my back pretty much... Please help a poor man out. *

I wear a XXL.


*note:story is fictional. My clothes dryer is fine. But a man has to do what a man has to do. Evn if that means employing "tactics" that may be a little desperate and misleading when he really wants to win a contest.



Stephen Hurt
09/16/2011 2:37pm

I want it I want It!



09/17/2011 12:30pm

please enter me in the contest!

And keep up the good work with all the speakers!

09/16/2011 2:43pm

Enter me again for a XXL T Shirt WGS speakers are the best my G10C is fantasic in my Pro Jr

09/16/2011 2:46pm

I'm in.(xxl)

09/16/2011 2:53pm

Hey Vaughn, I would like a WGS t-shirt so that I may go out and evangelize those who have not heard the gospel of WGS speakers.

I am not normally the kind of guy that wears gear shirts, but this is different. Everybody should know about them. Amen. Thanks, Jim Carter

09/16/2011 3:18pm

Enter me Vaughn! Im already spreading the good word about WGS! And will gladly continue!



09/16/2011 2:55pm

Enter me again please! :)

09/16/2011 2:55pm

I'd love a new shirt (and hopefully a speaker too).

09/16/2011 2:57pm

It's starting to get cold outside and I'm all out of layers - enter me in!!

09/16/2011 3:02pm

I need a new addition to my wardrobe, the weather is getting cooler and I could sure use a new T!!  Size L


09/16/2011 3:02pm

It's starting to get cold outside and I'm all out of layers - enter me in!!

09/16/2011 3:02pm

Please enter me to win a shirt dude!

09/16/2011 3:06pm

Hi there,

I always enjoy your blog...this contest has given me the impetus to go ahead and register!



Madison. WI

09/16/2011 3:08pm

The weather is getting cooler and I could sure use a new addition to the wardrobe!! Size L

09/16/2011 3:10pm


09/16/2011 3:17pm

Hey there, fall is almost upon us & here I am, running around south-central PA naked & it's already starting to get cold out... Dude, I need that free t-shirt asap so please enter me in your awesome contest! Pix to follow...

Howlin' Mad Mac

09/16/2011 3:19pm

I really need a new WGS tee to cover up the hideous scar left by my recent quadruple bypass! Will send pic of said tee, modeled by my very attractive niece, posed by the second most photographed statues in the country, if  I should be selected!

09/16/2011 3:20pm

That in one fine looking shirt and it would look even better on me!  Size L

I will make sure I get a picture on my site  www.stratmangeorge.com


09/16/2011 3:27pm

I have been using and enjoying WGS speakers for three years now. If you send me a T-Shirt you will get some great pictures of Minneapolis representing WGS in a big way. I might even bless the shirt in the holy waters of lake minneatonka.

09/16/2011 3:43pm

The WGS Reaper is an awesome speaker. Pity Celestion can't make them that good any more. And the WGS T-SHirt is pretty awesome too. Please can I have one!  :-) 

Size = Large



09/16/2011 3:55pm

So far I've grabbed myself a pair of your speakers to test my amp mods and to record with. I'd like to have of every single model, to be honest. It's really cool to be able to afford one a month without any financial strain or feeling like I am getting a lesser product. I mostly record with a 1x12 isocab I built. I can swap on the fly without any hassle. Any tone I want is right there, or soon to come, and thanks for providing it to me. I do not need this t-shirt to keep warm, but I'd love to have someone ask me about what it's about. They'll get an ear full, that's for sure.

Neal Walker
09/16/2011 4:00pm

count me in (x-large)


LOVE the ET65/Retro 30 combo, thanks!



09/16/2011 4:01pm

Please enter me in the T-shirt contest.  I currently have one WGS speaker in an amp I built (kind of a Plexi clone) and really like it. 

Getting ready to build another amp (5e3 maybe???) and it will need a speaker, too.  Can't beat WGS for value.


09/16/2011 4:10pm

hey Vaughn, Enter me for T-Shirt please! XL ... Loving my Invader 50 so much I'm probably gonna order another one! 

09/16/2011 4:17pm

I promise I'll always reccomend WGS speakers from now on. How's that?


09/16/2011 4:22pm


I would love to win this t-shirt so i could show it off from were i live which is England and spred the news.

09/16/2011 4:24pm

I feel I've got a pretty good ear for tone but have observed that a lot of upgrades that promise significant tone boost fail to deliver on that promise. Not the case with WGS speakers. The WGS's I used to replace a pair of V30's yielded impressive results at both low and high volumes. Super cool and I'm an enthusiastic supporter interested in replacing the speakers in all my amps and cabs with WGS products :o)

09/16/2011 4:27pm

Enter me to win this great shirt!!!!

John Aquino
09/16/2011 4:39pm

Hey, I'd like to enter the contest. I don't have a fancy story to back me up haha. I just want to rep my favorite guitar gear companies, and maybe win the chance to fill my Lopoline 2x12 with one of your Liberator 80s. The San Diego music scene, IMO, is often lacking in quality gear, in terms of pedals, amps and speakers. So I think it's important to let people know that they aren't limited to what they can find at Guitar Center, there's quality gear out there (like WGS speakers) that might help them get that much closer to the tone in their head. -John

09/16/2011 4:47pm

please enter me in the t shirt give away. i love your guys equipment, im a bit of a novice amp maker and picked up a used green beret afew months ago and fell in love with it.


09/16/2011 5:19pm

I'd like to have one please. This would be my first [insert guitar-related brand here] shirt if ever. I'd love to go out and share WGS with everybody!

Bang for the buck speakers with really good quality and customer service!

You rock!

09/16/2011 6:10pm

Ok, new guy here. Really eyeing your speakers.....I'm in.

09/16/2011 6:31pm

I'm awaiting arrival of my new SG Standard - I was thinking of getting one anyway, but the recent persecution/raid of Gibson prompted me to act now to show support for the iconic American manufacturer.  A new WGS speaker will bring out the best in the new guitar, and winning the T shirt is the first step to winning a speaker. 

09/16/2011 6:34pm

OK Vaughn I'm desperate for the 'T'.

Make an ol' aussie happy. Pick me, pick me!!


09/16/2011 6:44pm

Count me in. (XL) Great speakers!

09/16/2011 7:59pm


09/16/2011 8:01pm

Im in ,IM in too win ...xL

09/16/2011 8:14pm

Sign me up! I've had an ET-65 for a while and just picked up a Green Beret, which is working nicely in a single-ended, 10W JCM800-style combo I just built. I'd love a large WGS t-shirt!!

09/16/2011 8:24pm

I have a Retro 30 in my RP BlackVerb and another in a Forte 3D112.

Size XL

09/16/2011 8:28pm

Want it.


Love my Retro 30's in my RP BlackVerb and Forte 3D

09/16/2011 9:32pm

I'd love a shirt, but more importantly, I have a 2x12 cab that only has one speaker in it which desperately needs a companion *wink, wink* .

Alexander Stewart
09/16/2011 9:51pm

ET65 in my Deluxe Reverb and a G10C-G10C/S in my Vibrolux Reverb...


09/16/2011 10:02pm

Didn't have a clue such quality speakers were made in my back yard (Murray,Ky.) I'm a Fender Guy and looking forward to trying out a WGS Spkr.in my revitalized Champ ala Gerald Weber! 

09/16/2011 10:30pm

This a great idea. I have loved my ET65 and Reaper HP Combo.
