More of What You Want - WGS comparisons v. 2.0! | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

More of What You Want - WGS comparisons v. 2.0!

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More of What You Want - WGS comparisons v. 2.0!

Hey everybody!  This week I’m back to comparing some popular WGS models head-to-head.   For the set-up, see last week’s blog.  I sincerely hope these comparisons are a useful aid for all of you in choosing a speaker!  Okay, it’s time to get back to the comparisons!  This week I’ve got some awesome comparison videos on-tap (like the Vet 30/Retro30), Read on!

This week I start by comparing the WGS Reaper to the ET65.  Here’s the video (summery follows):

Summery:  The ET 65 shows off it’s smooth, warm nature compared to the Reapers more focused British qualities.

Next I compare WGS’s heavy hitters- the British Lead and the HM75.  Here is that video:

Summery:  The HM 75 sounds a little brighter and the British lead has a more traditional mid-heavy Britt tone.  Both Rock!These are both very cool sounding speakers, especially for classic hi-gain Britt tones.  Which is best, I can’t answer that, it depends on your taste and style!

Lastly ... here it is!!! I compare the ever popular Vetren 30 to the awesome Retro 30.  This is the one every body has been asking for, and here it is:

The summery:  The Retro has a nice little bit of added smooth-airy top end and (to my ears) a slightly more complex tone than the classic mid-heavy tone of the Vet 30.  The Retro is fast becoming a fav of mine!

So, did ya like these vids?  If so, let me know and I’ll do more ... and I’ll still take your requests. Don’t know what next week will bring, but it’s gonna be awesome!

email vaughn     About Vaughn Skow

06/01/2011 9:11pm

As always it was Vaughntabulastic .

I agree the ET65 is perfect for any bright amp and the reaper perfect to enhance or upgrade the amp you already love.

The Hm75 and Britt lead do sound straight up in your face rock old school cool.

And the best for last The Vet and Retro great side by side I love the Retro it is complex with a solid bottom and clean clear top that reaches up for air when the rest fall short great for rock metal and beyond.

The Vet is just as good as the Retro with one thought in mind.

I would follow the same path as with the ET65 and put this in an amp that leans towards the brighter side and most likely match the Vet 12 with the ET65 in a 2x12 for a full smooth wall of texture in a bright amp.

With that said it gives me a thought wouldn't it be superVaughntastic to see a 2x12 VS. 2x12 shootout ?

With some mix and match like maybe oh I don't know say a Reaper/Retro or HM75/ET65 or ?/?.

Just a thought and I can't wait til the next videoVaughnmarkcard .

Thanks Vaughn and WGS family.

06/02/2011 5:57pm

Yep ... the next vids I plan to do will be 2x12 cabs - I currently have a 2-12 loaded with a Retro 30 and a ET65 ... and I've tried a lot of combinations ... it's very cool.  Thanks!

06/03/2011 8:43am

Once again Vauhgn, thanks for the great videos. I will admit to being one of the people who have always wondered about the differences between the Retro and The Vet: well wonder no more. These videos really do help many of us get a better idea of what will work best for our rigs.

Now I am sure you get video suggestions thrown at you all day long, and I thought I would throw one more at you. I really liked hearing the G12 AlNiCo, but I am wondering what it would sound like in a shoot-out with the AlNiCo Black and Blue. Thanks agian for you videos. I am a video guy myself, and I understand the time and effort that goes into producing them.

06/10/2011 2:47pm

The C12 was a ceramic version!  Good idea though on a comparison between the American and Britt Alnico offerings!

06/10/2011 10:28am

Vaughn, So many speakers to compare and so little time!  I enjoyed hearing the Vet up against the Retro.  I'd still love to hear the ET-65 up against the HM75 and the Reaper 55Hz up against the Green Beret, both with the Marshall amp.

Sounds like this is a labor of love for you...I know I'd be like a kid in a candy store having access to all these speakers to compare against each other!  But nonetheless, thanks for doing all this and sharing!!

06/10/2011 2:49pm

This is a labor of love fur sure ... also, I'll try to get to your comparison requests when I can ... remind me if I forget!  Thanks for the props! -VS-

07/15/2011 9:45pm

As always, great videos, Vaughn, really appreciate all the work and time you put into these.  I'm thinking the Vet 30 might be just the ticket to put into my 2x12 driven by my marshall plexi 50w reissue; it tends to be a tad bright, so I'd probably avoid the retro for this particular setup.

One thing I'm not crazy about is the panning left/right for comparing speakers; it introduces a bit of audio confusion to my ears to alternate between left and right, for a couple reasons I think... hearing can be different both in range and volume for left/right ears for a lot of people, and also, whatever is used to play back these clips, whether speakers or headphones, introduces variance as well, since the two channels of a stereo system will sound somewhat different, even though the same brand/type of speaker is used from left to right.  I preferred when both left and right were balanced with the sounds of each speaker, that way all of these differences are cancelled out.  Just my two cents...

07/18/2011 5:52pm

The most variance from left to right will come from your own personal hearing, and possibly room acoustics - if your speakers have noticeable variance ... well, it's time to upgrade!  Sorry, but I'll probably still pan in my A/B demos - it's working for everybody else...

07/19/2011 2:41pm

It's not an issue for me, since I now run these clips in mono, problem solved.  If you think about it, this is a test of the (sometimes) subtle differences between speakers, which is often tough to hear under the best of conditions, and switching ears and channels and output speakers between the two tests just makes it tougher. But on the other hand, I usually do this with my monitor headphones, and it would probably work much better if I played it back through my studio monitors.

On a different note, I'd love to hear a few of the british front runners go head-to-head... the speakers that would be strong picks for your main cab, like the Invader, Vet 30, ET65, and Reaper HP.  Be interesting to hear how they compare for classic rock.  There are just too many good choices here!  Do I want pair of Invaders in my 2x12?  A Vet 30 and ET65?  Or a Vet 30 and a Reaper HP?