what size for the oval halfround open cab 2x12 | Warehouse Guitar Speakers

what size for the oval halfround open cab 2x12

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08/10/2011 5:31am

Hi Vaughn,

and of course the whole readers here,

I am from germany..and my plan for a semiopen 2 x 12 back cab is to make it

closedback..but with a oval opening at the back.

Anyone knows which size or place this opening has to be???

More above..or more down under the speakerback???


By the way is it a good idea to choose the following speaker mix


ET65 plus Reaper 30 ( for a full 50watt soldano head)

or Reaper 30 plus Veteran 30 ( more equal power and output)???

Musicstyle: with strat and Lespaul

moderate Rock, clean blues, no heavy..no high gain sounds too much..


Thank you guys for all your hospitality.


Vaughns viedeos are damned good and gives a piece of background..



08/10/2011 3:15pm

Do you know what the dimensions and configuration of the cab will be (vertical/horizontal ... speakers side by side or diagonal)?

08/11/2011 5:59am

Hi Vaughn,

thnak you for reply. Sorry when I only send the dimensions in german cm??


the 2x12er has 72 x 55 x 28 cm ( is it eventually then 1.75 x 1.35 x 0.68 inch

Ill mean width x high x depth.

Its just a little more like a marshall cab JVMC 212, but homebuild.


greetings Holly

08/11/2011 6:02am
Hi Vaughn, the configuration is plywood like a marshall JVMC but custombuild.
the cab is a 2x12 horizontal, speakers side by side.
greetings Holly

Vaughn sends: "Do you know what the dimensions and configuration of the cab will be (vertical/horizontal ... speakers side by side or diagonal)?"

08/12/2011 10:54am

Hi, okay, so first, go for a good, light plywood ... Baltic birch or similar (it will sound good, and your back will thank you).  Next, the oval rear port:

When you state: "the 2x12er has 72 x 55 x 28 cm ( is it eventually then 1.75 x 1.35 x 0.68 inch)" ... I think your measurements actually equate to about 28" x 22" x 11".  First, I would suggest a little more depth in the cab - maybe go to about 35cm.  Now, for the oval rear port - if you want to augment the low-end with the port then make it apx. 1/3 the size of the cab back - in your case approximately 24cm wide and 18cm tall.  If you want a traditional open-back tone, then simply make it as large as is possible.

08/12/2011 3:34pm

Hi Vaughn, that's great, of course you are right..the measurement is 28" x22" x11" ( I was wrong with the change

by cm to inch, sorry).

So your help is very efficient and I see you have all the ideas for a good tone. Thank you very much!

In that case I will start and take WGS Speakers for the future.

Good luck and again thank you for your help.

Best wishes to your ideas, Holly

08/12/2011 5:02pm

I'd put the port right in the center of the cab.